Meowy Chrismouse!
Have a safe and wonderful day! May all your wishes and dreams come true and the new year is a spectacular one!
Alla us at The Misadventures of Me have embraced Toot this Christmas season. With her limited sight she still enjoyed the lights on the tree and the presents Santa Claws left.
Merry Christmas from all of us at Brian's Home!
Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas to your whole family!
Happy Christmas to the whole gang, and welcome Toot you pretty little girl!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Merry Christmas from us!
Merry Christmas to you!!!
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas!
Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula
Hope you had a wonderful day and have many happy holidays to come! Purrs...from your friends at
Have nice Holidays!
Merry Chrissy Mouse to you too!
Oh! So great to hear from you! We did not know you had adopted a new family member--she looks very beauteous and soft. We look forward to getting to know her ;-) Hope you all had a merry and cozy Christmas!
Hello! Thanks for visiting! Now that I know you originated the badge, I linked it to your blog. I hope that's OK.
Happy New Year my new friend! woo woo woo!
Our Best Wishes for a Very Happy New Year. We are so glad you are sharing it with Toot!
The Chans
hello misadventurers its dennis the vizsla dog hay belayted merry krismas and happy noo yeer!!! i am glad yore noowest misadventurer is settling in nicely!!! ok bye
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. I am sorry that it took me so long to visit.
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