Friday, May 3, 2013

The Mom failed in her posting lessons

First off, the mom promised us a post at least once a week. THAT did not happen! So then we said hey Mom gives us time at least once every other week.  Guess what else did not happen.  Mom FAILED!

So we shall update you now.  Mom has been busy with her business and trying to find ways to get more business.  We've got our paws crossed acuz we really like our stinky goodness!

Toot is doing ok.  She went to the eye man and he confirmed that she is indeed blind.  While the mom is still in denial about that she will always love us with whatever issues, difficulties and handicaple stuffs we has.

Toot has a facebook page.You can find it under Toots Adventures

Heres a cute video of Toot, the foster kittens and Stashy.  We are really trying to figure out if there was nip hid in that box!


The Florida Furkids said...

OMC that video is hysterical!! Kittens sure know how to have fun!!

The Florida Furkids

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Excellent video! We are totally in love with Toot!

When we first started blogging, there was an annual report day when we graded our human secretaries on blogging performance. Remember that?

The Chans

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MOL we loved it.

Paws crossed your Mom's business is a huge success, and that you get to blog more.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Babies are always fun to watch!

Anonymous said...

OMC!! There totally was nip in that box...who knew you could mix it with the pee and poop gravel!! heh...heh Paws crossed for Mom's business to be successful and then we can see you more on your blog. paw pats, Savannah

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello jake its dennis the vizsla dog hay i no their is always sumthing intresting berried in those cat pans be it catnip or other substanses!!! ha ha ok bye

Everycat said...

Hehe! The video is delightful, we think that's where the nip is kept.

The CB said it was Toot's Gotcha Day, so we dropped by to wish Toot a very happy day with lots of love, treats and fun!

Luff from
Gerry & Mungo xx

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Gotcha Day Toot!!!!!!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Great movie showing how kittens have fun anywhere anytime all the time!
Purrs on your gotcha day!