Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lets face it

I's lazy!

Yes, yes I has been as my bean says a "slacker" when it comes to mys blog.

I guess my mommys been gones alot lately and I's not too inspireds to writes much.

I have been thinkings, that I's should makes a movie like some of my idol cats (Daisy and Pippy) it looks fun.

Oh and heres news, Molly and I's are gettins along. We dont's exactlys give each others baths but we can now sit 2 feets from each others and not have a problems. As a matters of facts, she talked to mes the other day and I was nice and talked to hers.

I guess we's can gets along.

1 comment:

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We understand that all kitty-cats cannot get along all the time!

What fun would that be?

~ Gracie and Miss Emily