Sunday, August 5, 2007


Mommys was in a flash box mood todays.

This one is very disturbings to me, its not the best side of me.

In this one I was checkin to see what made that bright light blink at me when she took the pictures of me. I still dont's know what it is, but it sure is brights.

This is me lovings on mommy. She wasnts busy so I figured I gives her some love.

I not onlys got some pets but some scritchins too.

This ones the bestest of me, I gots to sleep next tos my mommy!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is so so so sweet, especially the 4th picture.
You really melt my heart~!!!

Anonymous said...

You are a very sweet lookin' kitty. I like your blog. I will come and visit you more often.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi! Thank you for stopping by our blog. We wanted to come and see yours. You are such a cute kitty! Those are great pictures!!!


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Hi! It's grate to meet a friend of Daisy's!!
I think the fishes would make a really gud NOMSS for you :)

Mom has put you on our sidebar, I hope that's OK with you.


Daisy said...

Oh TT! Those are some very wonderful pictures of you. I really love the expression on your face, because you look so happy and lovey.

Karen Jo said...

I love to see pictures of kitties being loved. You look like you are really enjoying it.