Trooder has had mats in his furs so bad and won't let the mom brush hims furs so she has had to sneak up on hims and cut them out.

And dis is da the mom. She has tried to be a furry good the mom, srsly! She has even planted some catnip and some of that stuff dat Tigmut'hep likes - matatabi! Dun tell her but we dun fink she is goin to get it to grow, she always kills da plants.
I hope they grow anyway. Sometimes it happens. Even my human can sometimes grow something...
Molly, that's the kind of dirt we like to hear... you need to bring your human mom back into line. Don't hurt the cute human kitten, but remind mom that cats have needs for love, too.
We hope the nip grows...otherwise that would be sad...very sad...
That's a cute blurpy there!
We can sympathize! Jan kills plants too. She has to buy our catnip. sigh.
The blurpy is a year old next month? Times flies.
It's a furry purrdy blurpy!
Dat Blurpy is very cute.
Oh my cats! The little blurpy is not really a blurpy anymore.. you hoomans just grow so fast! hehe
And she looks like such a lovely happy little Miss :))
P.s. you should really let your momma brush your floofiness!
I know where your mom goes when she doesn't help you blog and it starts with an Face . . .
The blurpy is really growing.
That little bean is very cute, but so are you. Hope the plants grow.
Hugs GJ x
Hey! It's positive thinking and love that grows plants! Do your thing to help!!! We introduced Tiggy to Matatabi so we are keeping our paws crossed it grows for you!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Blurpy's can keep beans very busy!
That is one cute blurpy fur sure.
Here's hoping your nip grows. That's what the world needs now....nip, more nip.
wow, Trooder is one furry cat. Chloe is furry too, but not that much! Mother says she is to get buzzed in the new few weeks, as there is just tooo much furballs on the floor now. heeheehee
(From Rosey, at RoseyCat.com)
What a precious blurpy alien you guys have there! We've heard they can take up a lot of the humans time. So happy to hear you guys got some nip plants, wow!
Oh, we are helping Romeo the Cat promote a very cool contest on his blog. The winner gets a cool gift set from Iams!! Check it out www.romeothecat.com
Oh my goodness, your little alien is so CUTE! She looks so happy, too.
Hi Molly :)
We totally understand about busy Mom's!! Your alien blurpy is very cute
Very busy too I bet!!! heehee
Georgia is a bit miffed that Mom has not been helping her visit Shadow.I guess the kitties better take things into their own paws!!! ;) Things are busy, but then they settle down for a bit :) We kitties are a patient bunch though !!
I will purr for your catnip so it will grow,heehee
Purrs Mickey
HI SHADOW!!!!!!!!!!!
You look pawsome in that pic!! Mmmmmmmm :)
Purrs Georgia
We bet the alien blurpy is keeping your mommy busy. Ours isn't even borned yet and mommy is busy resting. Your blurpy girl is very cute.
We hope your catnip plant grows big and strong so you can munch all you want. purrrrrrs
Your human pet is not so different than mine. She is always killing plants. Her thumb is so black that it's unnatural. Maybe you should go undercover to see why your human pet has this condition. ;)
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