Ahhh finally, the mom is lettin me blog. The poor mancats dey is goin to revolt if she dun get bloggin fer dem soon! hehe I say poop on her pillow boys!!
Ok so here is Jake. Jake usually gets up in da mornings after sleepin in "Jakes Bed". Jake usually sneaks up on da bean sleep spot and cuddles between the mom and the big male bean. So this is hims gettin 'caught' by da flash box.

After Jake goes out to do his own litter box business, he gets a treat. The beans has s l o w l y learned dat Jake does not like some treats. Notice the innocent lookin blurpy bean bear bellow ...

Now notice the bear moved? Yes, the mom wondered why Jake was pickin up all da blurpy alien beans stuff and movin it in a pile wif his nose. He was hidin the treat - acuz he dun like it.

A while ago, we said dat the mom is trin to be gud to us and that she even planted sum stuff fer us. Well look she managed to sprout sum stuff!! We is not sure if it is catnip or matatabi acuz the card got blown out of da box one day.

And as a surprise she brought home sum catmint fer us to try! She also said dat she was goin to plant sum of it by Fatty's grave.

And yoo know what? The same day she gottid the catmint, the beans downstairs had gotten a plant fer Fattys grave too! It is what he called a Moss Key Toe Plant? Ooooo the mom said it is a mosquito plant. As soon as the mom plants the catmint, we'll has her
quit bein so lazy and take a piccy.
Oooh! Your mommy GROWS things? I wish my mommy would do that for me . . . pffft.
Jake has the cutest look on his face when he gets caught! (For a doggie.)
Yep . . . mommy has alien blurpy pics, but the LAZY bug bit her hard and she hasn't scanned them yet. Almost Dad's parents were lucky that she remembered to bring them to dinner the other night so they could admire the blurp. *sigh*
Hello Jake! And what interesting stuff you have growing... my humans are trying to grow things. I'll believe it when I see it!
Jake is so cute!!
Wow, your mom brought you some catmint!!! Our mom is still looking for some for us, no luck yet. We don't think she is looking hard enough!
So nice of the beans downstairs to put that plant on Fatty's grave!
Hooray for your catmint plant. Hope the sprouts are more of the same!
Hi Jake!
WShat a lovely idea to plant y Fatty's grave. I think poor Jake must have been so tactful hiing those treats, bless...
Hugs GJ xx
Oh, Jake is cute! I like that he hid his treat when he didn't like it - he probably didn't want your mom to feel bad. All those plants sound very nice too. I hope you figure out which ones are which!
Jake, you have the cutest little face!
I think it's a wonderful idea to have a special plant over Fatty's resting spot.
Haha Jake! We love the look on your face.
Aw, Jake...why don't you like those treats???
We love our big catnip plant that mom put on the patio...hope you like yours too!
Catmint?? That sounds good!! :)
Hiding your treats, that is an awesome idea!!!
Maybe Jake is hiding his treats for later when the mom bean gets stingy and doesn't give him any.
I love Jake's picture!
hahah Jake for a woofie you can get the cute look down doode! :))
That is cool that your momma can grow things from seeds.. my momma only wishes she could.. haha
Ooh you have sprouting stuff too, Yay! :) Out catnip is flowering at the moment I really must have a good snort at it and also make My Mummy take purrty pictures of it too! :)
hello its dennis the vizsla dog hay can yoo tel jake that if he duznt want his treets can he drop them in the mailboks and i wil tayk them off his paws for him???? thanks ok bye
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Jake looks cute in 'his ' sleepy spot,heehee
Your Mom is so good to get you some catnip and catmint!!!!! We need a new plant too, Mom finally killed ours this winter :(
Silly Mom!! ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Hi Shadow, how are you doing :)
I bet you are as floofy as ever,heehee
Hahahahaha - we love Jake! ha picture of his is wonderful!
You might have watched the latest CCSI caper already (we are beyond being organized!) - but if you didn't - you got to check it out!!! It is done totally different than the others and just way cool!!!
I hope that your catnip and catmint grow well. It's perfect to plant the catmint on Fatty's grave and now nice of the neighbors to buy a plant for him, too. Jake may have been hiding his treat for later. My brother's dog quite often hid her treats, then went and ate them later.
Jake looks so cute in bed, but the look on his face says he is not happy having his picture taken. My dog use to hide her treats when she did not like them. Hope you have a nice weekend.
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