Trooder and I share the food bowls together, Molly does not share wif hims. Now fer Molly's T4!

Hai Kittehs. I has sum funny stuff fer yoo today and sum delicate infurmation.
It was heard the other day that Jake snorted a bug. It seems when he rode in da metal machine and the big male bean put da window down fer hims, Jake leaned into da wind and started to snort. Next fing yoo know he was on da seat sneezin and snorkin away, while the big male bean laffed. He was said to has sounded like a really needed to get da bug out of his nose by snortin and hackin. *mol*
On to da delicate infurmation - The mom has announced that Trooder may has to go on the D werd. Yoo see, he weighs more den 14 pounds now and when he gots here he was only 11. The weight wouldnt be so bad 'cept, his belly now jiggles. He tries to hides it and won't let the mom touch hims belly when she mentions the D werd.
PeeeeeeS: Remember Sailor? Well hims is in his Sanctuary safe and set fer da rest of hims life now!!
Hahaha! Oh we don't mean to laugh (yes, we do!) Poor Jake!!!
We're happy Sailor is at the Sanctuary now!
After all Sailor has been through, he deserves some love and care. We're very glad to hear he's now set for life.
Goodness, Molly, those green glaring eyes make you look like a cat from outer space!
MOL at Jake!!
Uh oh Trooder, not the D word!!!
So glad to hear Sailor is safe and sound in a sanctuary!
Noooooooo, not the D word!
Earlier this year Angel was told to loose weight, but DR H did not say any thing this time! We are so happy for Sailor!
Don't tell anyone, but we are on diets too. Hide Trooder, hide! Don't let them do it to you too!
We are very happy to hear about Sailor. Your mum has our purrs of appreciation:)
I like belly jelly!
the D word!!
Diet is a bad, BAD, four-letter word!
Hi all, sorry for the lack of blogging of late, just very busy getting the kittens ready for their new homes. This includes making Mummy do quite a lot of paperwork which is something she hates... ;)
Oh well nearly done now and then this time next week I'll just have little Setra with me as well as having my brother and Tigmut'hep here of course! Maybe I can get my figure back then as Enta is the one who always demands milk from me still...
Anyway onto Tigs drugs, it seems that the little seed is growing well, but rather than becoming a Matatabi plant it looks like it's going to be an Aqailega (I think you call them Columbine) we like looking at these and have a number in our garden so are rather looking forward to seeing what colour is will be when it flowers next year! ;) However to stop Tigs moaning Daddy has promised to order him some more Matatabi seeds... I think this was agreed after Tigs pounced Dad's bladder one morning and started moaning at him! ;)
PS: Setra and I thank you for our awardy! :)
Oh poor Jake, but I too had to laugh at the thought. I just hope it wasn't a stinging bug.
Oh the D word, I hope it isn't too radical.
Hugs GJ
Oh Jake, only you could snort up a buggie! Heehee!
Poor Jake....was the bug part of the D word??? :)
Troo & Shadow,I would show the back of disrespect too!!! The nerve of your Mom :/
Molly,you are looking so pretty :)
Jake...well,he is a silly doggie,heehee
Trooder,sorry about the D !!That won't be fun ;)
Yay for Sailor!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Shadow,come on over and enjoy some sunspots :)
I just love those beautiful green eyes!! The D word.... hmmm! the human here have been discussing my weight!
That is great about Sailor!! Warms our hearts!
Well, at least the froot bats are safe!
Sorry to hear about the D word. That blows.
Your pal,
D word is a bad bad word for mighty mancats. Jake is so funny :)
We are working on the ole diet here too! No fun, but it has to be done!
The backs of disrespect are excellent! We hope you got the message across!
Oh No! Not the D word!!!
what is the d word? i mean, besides don't?
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