Oh kittehs we is so embarressed!! The mom totally fergot our BLOGOVERSARY on June 5. TT started bloggin June 5 2007. Two whole years and the mom fergets?? WTP??

In two years we has made lots of furiends and lost sum of dem too. All and all, we lub to blog and we hope dat we can do a gud enuf job so dat TT will be happy dat we took her blog over. We know that it's hard fer the mom to actually type fer us sumtimes - dat blurpy girl is gettin big and gettin into lots, so we tend to run and hide. (Acuz we dun likes our furs to be yanked, or in Jake's case, hims frootbats!)
So let's celebrate today instead - of our furiendship wif da kittehs (and sum woofies too) and beans of The Cat Blogosphere.
Cat nip is on us!! (and all of yoo too!)
Well here's to many more years of happy blogging for you all. Happy Blogoversary!
Whicky Wuudler
PS: TT will be proud of you!
WOOHOO! Concatulations on your 2 year blogaversary!! We know TT would be very proud of you guys!!
Happy belated Blogoversary! I am certain that TT is smiling down with pride!
Happy belated Blogoversary! I am glad that you are my friends!
Whoohoo! Two years of blogging! That's fantastic! Here's to many more years!!! We're so happy to have met you!
Happy Blogaversary!!!! we is so glad that you is our furriends
Happy Blogoversary. I think this calls for some ham!
Happy Blogoversary!!!! Woo hoo!
Happy Blogoversary!!! We're really glad we met you!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Blogosversery!
Congratulations on your Blogosversary~!
It is never too late!!
Yayyyy! I can't wait until I make it to my ONE year blogoversary. Only 9 more months to go! Haha.
Congratulations, we're gonna go get drunk on some nip!
Happy Belated Blogoversary Molly, Shadow & Troo and many, many, many moooooore!! We are so glad to be furiends with you!!! We sure miss TT, too!!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Belated Blogoversary! We think TT will be very happy that you've continued the blog, and we think she enjoys sitting back to read it:)
Happy Belated Blogoversary. You've all been doing a great job, and keeping TT's spirit alive through your blog!
Happy belated!
No problem to celebrate late.Happy bogaversary. Very glad to have met you.
Hugs GJ xx
Happy blogoversary! We just started ours on June 5, so we started on a good day! :D
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
She FORGOT? Is she related to Jan?
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