Trooder? Where are you buddy? Trooooo?

Yeah, well, he steals our seat in the windows where the sun is and those are OUR seats.

MOM'S NOTE: I'm trying to get a North East Cat Blogger meet up going. In case you aren't on Facebook (Cat Blogger Bean Social), and don't know of the subject being discussed there, I wanted to let others know. Please email me at ttgrrlATgmailDOTcom if you are interested so we all can toss some ideas of a meet spot and time.
Trooder, you looked comfy in Jake's bed. it is only fair if he shares since yous hare your seats
You look happy and comfy~!
How wonderful~
Too bad we're so far away!
You're right, Trooder, there has to be some give and take!
I'm sure Jake really doesn't mind...stay where it is comfy, it is worth it!
What do you mean it's Jake's spot? You are making it smell good for him. You do all that work and you get hassled. I am sorry....
that looks like a comfy bed!
our the mom would be innerested in that - 'pending on where it is.
Looks like Jake has a very cozy bed! Don't blame you for trying it out!
I don't see Jake's name on that spot...
Troo, you just look so comfy in Jake's bed! And if he sits in your seats by the window...What's Good For The Goose...
Mmmmmm, Goose
We share the woofies beds here all the time. Of course we don't let them in OUR beds!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think it's only fair. Harley has taken over Ozzbourne's dog bed. Ozzbourne doesn't sleep in it anymore and he can't fit in the window, so he sleeps on the sofa on a blanket his dad put there for him.
You look so comfy there.. You know what they say... Share and share alike...
Hugs GJ x
That looks like a perfect place for a cat! Except for that door. That's never good news!
And ooooh a meet up!
Troo, we think sleeping in Jake's cage is only fair! It does look pretty comfy in there!
I have to say, Troo doesn't look very contrite in there ...
You tell 'em, Troo! It's only fair to share:)
Troo, you go right on napping!
I agree, Troo..if Jake steels your sunspot it's perfectly appropriate for you to sleep in Jake's spot!
Do not move a single fur, Troo! Nothing is sacred or off-limits to a cat!
Um, define "Northeast"?
The Big Thing
Trooder, that looks like a perfect spot for you. And it seems like a great idea to share since you are already sharing on your side of it!
Oh a meet up sounds like a fun idea - I'll keep the dogs locked up for you! :)
Silly mom, she should know that the kitties own everything, even what's supposed to be the woofies'. MOL
Thanks so much for stopping by our bloggie to share your purrs and good thoughts for our Bugsy on his surgery today, all went well and he'll be home tomorrow! We appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Big purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew and The Mommy
Ooo ooo ooo Troo,
Sleep wherevfur
You want to!
Dat's da Law,
Da Law of da fur
Coz you am a cat
And dat be dat!
Fanks fur yuor commint! I luffs wot yuo duz to confuzzulate yur beans, HARHARHAR!!! Pliz tellyport ovfur and teech me! Luffs, Simba :)xx
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