Remember how the kittehs Sweetie Pie and Ethan (the kitteh in the picture above) were rescued by our lovely CB furiends? Here is Sweetie Pie, now named Sugar Ray.
On August 8th, this stray cat faced imminent death at a California animal shelter because he was aggressive and too difficult for shelter workers to handle. To adopt him, we had to sign a waiver agreeing not to sue the shelter if the cat injured us. The shelter and their vet claimed the cat was too violent to vaccinate, so he was released without his FVRCP. We suspected he was probably just frightened, and not aggressive, and we were right. After testing positive for FIV, and nearly dying from pneumonia, here's the cat that had shelter workers and vets shaking in their shoes. This video was taken less than 3 weeks after the cat was scheduled to die.
Read more about Sugar Ray and the cat who was rescued with him (an elderly FIV+ cat named Ethan) at http://www.weepaws.org. Both cats are available for adoption to perfect homes - they deserve no less than perfect. Otherwise, we'll be happy to have them spend the rest of their days at Wee Paws, although Sugar Ray's paws are anything but "wee"!
Oh I am so glad that both he and Ethan have another chance!
Sugar Ray is a sweetie. He just wanted some loving. We are glad both kitties were saved.
Ah, look how sweet he is! He looks like he just needed some TLC. Those toes are AWESOME!
Oh those paws!! I sure hope this video was sent to that original shelter so they can see just how wrong they were...and how they need to understand how frigtentened kitties act...doesn't mean they are agressive by nature.
Thank you for sharing this. It's a heartbreaker but I'm glad to hear these two were saved.
Jus goes ta show that it is all context. Even a scardest defensive kitty can be JUST RIGHT with some special Bein.
That is one aggressive kitty! Does he even bit his on fleas? We are glad Sugar Ray and Ethan have second chances at having a good life. I love those poly paws!
Wow! Look at those big toes! We are glad he got adopted! Such a sweet boy!
What a lovely story. The Wee Paws Sanctuary must be run by some awesome humans!
Yeah, that's a really dangerous cat. Grin. I wonder why so many vets and shelters can't tell the difference between an aggressive cat and a scared cat.
Thank Cat that these guys got the chance they deserved. When Mum took Evie to the shelter vet the first time (when she went really ballistically mental), she overheard the (expletive) vet nurse that worked there for a while say that Evie was a 'horrible cat', 'unadoptable', and 'not worth working with'. She just didn't understand that Evie was frightened. She wasn't trying to hurt the people, she was trying to stop herself being hurt! There is such a big difference.
We are thankful that someone recognised this difference before it was too late for Sugar Ray.
Sugar Ray is a brute -- he might purr you to death!
We are go happy to hear that Sugar Ray and Ethan both have another chance! And as for being aggressive??? Maybe the volume of his purrs...
Wow, that is quite possibly the LEAST aggressive cat I have ever seen. Didn't they realize he was probably just scared. I mean, baby wipe baths - my kitties have tried something similar, and they know me, and they get more aggressive then that (because they hate them). It is so good that the wonderful people at Wee Paws took in him and Ethan.
How many others are just so terrified they are labeled aggressive and dangerous. We're glad this one made it out of the shelter alive.
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