The mom, da blurp Hailey and the big male bean wentdid to
Roger Williams Park Zoo last week. They left us fer like a squillion hours and didnt brings home nuttin fer us. They did show us dis piccys -

red panda

golden lion tamarins

golden lion tamarins

Harbor Seal

Harbor Seal hidin under water we is finkin

The Hailey blurp wif the big male bean on a elephant
(we dun fink it was a real one though)

a friendly goat wif Hailey blurp and da mom
(da goat enjoyed scritches on its nose)

Da blurp Hailey, meowin at a piggy
(MOL we has her trained well!)

The mom trin to 'splain dat piggys dun meow, dey OINK

Dat is a miniature donkey, we is wonderin if it wud take Jake in fer a bit?

Da blurp Hailey lookin at da Giraffes - dems is BIG she said!

Giraffes is big, see dat door over dere - they dun has to duck under it either!

Baby giraffe
and da Snow Leopard
It was lonely lookin da mom said, it had no other leopard to play wif in dere dat she cud see.
Wow! Look at everything they saw. I like the cat the best. It is quite handsome don't you think?
What kewl animals and even for a blurpy, yours is furry kyute!!! We hope she had lotsa fun at the zoo!!!
Ooooooooooooooo!! Those are nice pics!! We like that ringed tail on the red panda. Bet your beans had fun,but to not bring you guys anything :O That's not nice.
Georgia said that she is coming over to see Shadow. Something about her paws ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Looks like the beans and the blurp had a good time! Those are some fun animals to see!
Wow! Those are great pictures of some great animals! Mama said she's never seen a red panda before, not even in a picture. Thanks for sharing even though you didn't get to go.
hello shadow and molly its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow a snow leppard!!! that is wot dada has on his kompyooter!!! but his kompyooter is littel so i do not no how they cramd that big cat into it!!! ok bye
It looks like they had fun!
What fun, too bad you couldn't go with them!
Your beans must have had a great time seeing all the cool animals!:)
dems goods dat ur beans hads a good time!! we hope dat leopard gets a frind soon.
plz tell Haily dat hur kin meow at piggiez ifns hur wants too. dey mite knoh dat language anywayz. dey iz purrtee smart, our mom sayz.
Katie Too
We are very late to reply but those are GREAT pictures from the zoo. I love golden lion tamarins! And the blurp is very cute!
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