As you kittys know this is
Jake. I do not like
Jake very much. He wants to play too roughly and I'm not hasin that! Anyway
Jake had 'tocks trouble recently and I am here to tell you all about it.
First the mom and the big male bean discovered that
Jake was eatting our poops from our litter box. How gross is that?? So they put a gate up in the human litter box room so that
Jake can not get to where our box is. That is good cuz he used to stand and watch us while we went, which made
Shadow a bit nervous.
It did not Molly!
Shhhhhh Shadow, I'm tellin a story!When the beans took
Jake to the v-e-t they tested his poop, which he so graciously left on the floor for them.
I think that was great even if a woofie did think of it first!The v-e-t didn't find anything wrong with him but they changed his food and said no more cheese balls for him!
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! No good bean treats for him now!!You see the beans used the cheese balls to trick
Jake into using the outdoor litter box. I guess it worked.
Welp, the 'tocks trouble stuck around. It was funny to hear the big male bean gag on the smell. The mom made weird noises too.
Like we like the smell of them after using their litter box.So now the mom has figured out that Milk Bones gave
Jake the runs, so she stopped givin him those cookies.
Did someone say cookies??? Where where where??? MOM, come on gimme a cookie! ::slobber::UGH, see I told you he is a pain!Now
Jakes 'tocks trouble is gone.
GO AWAY JAKE, you are not hasin the internets, it belongs to us kittys!! Scuse me I gotta get the claw of doom out .....