Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
We would like to pass this award on to:
- Ramses - Cuz he is a great Aby Cat TT adored
- Isis - Cuz TT felt a bond with her Aby sis
- Parker - Her antics always make us laugh
- Miss Peach - She is always so kind and has pretty things to say.
- Cats ~ Goats ~ Quotes - They always has neat things to read
- Victor the Vampire Kitty - He's new and I wouldnt want him to bite me
- Dennis's Diary of Destruction - They says funny things that make the mom laugh.
Thank you for the award!
We will put it on our blog!!
~ The Bunch
Oh Molly! Thanks so much! I am honored and I am happy that I can make you laugh sometimes!
Smoochies to all of you!
I know TT would have been proud to receive that award!
I just met Victor and Dennis not too long ago!
Why Good golly Miss Molly ( hehe yez I iz lame), I didn't knowz I was scaryz :(
But thankyou!! Iz still very sweet :)
haa Momma was dreading getting one of these things cause she visits so many virtual kittys homes that it'z way hardz to pick just 7!! ;)
haha sucked in Momma!
(thank you Miss Molly :) )
What a special award TT received. I think she's smiling.
I am sure that TT is looking down from the bridge and smiling at the award. It was definitely deserved.
I am glad that you and Molly decided to put up the award and give it out to new recipients, Shadow. I will have to check out Dennis and Victor, because I have not met them yet.
hello molly its dennis the vizsla dog hay thanks for giving me this award i am glad i make the mom laff i wil be putting the award up tomorrow!!!! ok bye
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