Ahoy Kittys! It be I Molly wif our pirate names!
~ Molly ~
Bloody Mary Bonney
~ Shadow ~
Black Sam Rackham
Captain William Bonney
Black Sam Rackham
That mutt dog be now
~ I is Jake ~Captain William Bonney
Avast! How did that mutt get t' be Captain? There be no mutts that be Captain on a kitty ship! Arrrgh! Mutiny! We be off to sail wif Captain Jack, Sir Dante and cabin boy Fagin! Arrrr!

Yo Ho Ho, no doggies as Captains, you are right!
Now where's me bottle of rum? Arrrrr...
Mutiny? Already? It's the first day at sea!
I hope i will get to sail along side all of you!
Squee-arg! I gonna sail wif yoo, we're gonna eat fish, but the best of all, we're gonna haf fun!
You can come and sail with me. I am Captain Jenny of the High Seas!
Ahoy mateys!!
Happy Pirate Day!!
Yarrr, mateys, it be no day for a sea-dog for a cap'n. Yo-ho, all for the Black Furball!
Yer buddy, Grog-master Jim
Here we are!!!!! We aren't getting to do much visiting today, we really do need to look into making the beans walk the plank, they are behaving most unsatisfactorily. ~S,S & C
Garrr yer Cap'n is a young upstart to be sure. Tis a kitty's job to be Cap'n and a woofie's to swab the poop deck.
Yohoho where's our bottle of rum.
Ohh there iz some scary names!!
Are you going to the poop deck too!!
Haha I lovez that word "poop" deck... :P
Make the mutt walk the plank! Arrrrr!
Happy Pirate Day!
Mad Redbeard Wally, Black Neck Snapper Ernie & Bloody Mistress of Death Zoey
Mutts on a kitty ship?! Have 'em swab da poop deck!
Har,har,har!!! That Jake is a captain in his dreams!!!!
Cats Rule!!!!! Avast mateys!!!!!!
Pirate Mick the sword Test Dummy
Pegleg Bessie Backstabber
Smugglin Shakira Hawkins
Hi molly, Shadow and Mom thanks for such kind caring words for Winton!!
Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf, Blossom and mom
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