The mom lady person adopted me from a place called N.O.A.H - Nemasket Orphaned Animal Haven,Inc. Before N.O.A.H had's me I lived in Leitchfield, Kentucky with the Grayson County Humane Society. Grayson saved my life! (They still has my page up HERE!) I don't care to remember much but this is what they say had happened.
A very nice couple found me living in a feral colony and they noticed how friendly I was. When they brought me to the shelter, I was in pretty rough shape with matted fur, diarrhea, an upper respiratory infection, plus I had some nasty, fat Kentucky ticks stuck on me (I was tested for Lyme Disease, but I'm fine).
Everyone thought I was a girl, but I kept my good humor about that while I was being treated for all this stuff. They also thought I was declawed, but there was actually something wrong with my front feet. After a trip to the vet who took x-rays, it appeared I had two broken ankles that hadn't healed properly, thus the funny walk I had.
Another appointment with an orthopedic vet (did I say that correctly?) who peeked at my x-rays showed I actually had severe arthritis. I'm now on a daily dose of Metacam as part of an anti-inflammatory/pain management plan. But, you know what? I really don't like to think of myself as "special needs." I'm just a special guy, period. People come into the shelter and seek me out to give me "brushes and loves" because I'm such a lover boy.
I'm getting to be kind of famous too because I had my own "thread" on Petfinder (I don't know what that is, but I like the sound of thread!). Now how many kitties can say that, huh?
OK -- here's the bottom line -- my condition isn't curable, so I'll probably always be like this. I don't know what the future holds for me, but I do know that I need a loving home and people that will love me for what I am: a VERY loving cat with a SLIGHT disability. Could that special home be yours? Please watch my video at the link listed above and then tell me you're able to resist my Nowhere Man charms. Purr along with me (OK - humming is fine too): "Nowhere Man -- please listen. You don't know what you're missing. Nowhere Man, the world is at your command." Wouldn't you like me to be part of YOUR world? Purrrrrty please?
They said I said this so it must be true, but really now that I am in my own FUR EVER home, I don't care to recall all of that much! The mom lady person is great to sleep next to and I always sleep wif her at night.
I like to talk a lot. Sometimes when the big man guy gets up from bed, I follow him and wait patiently for him where ever he goes. Now his woofie dog I do not like so much. I have taken to following Shadow and hissing at this woofie whenever possible.
I has not told the mom lady person what my name is yet. She keeps calling me "Big Guy" and the big man calls me "Thumper". I think I'll wait awhile longer to let her know my name. I want to make sure I get to stay in this wonderful place before I let them all know my real name. (I LOVE IT HERE! ) Hows that? Did I do this blogging thing well?
Welcome to cat blogging, you're a natural at it and I'm really happy that you've found a lovely home now! :)
You are a very special kitty who has found a wonderful home! You are also furry good at blogging. We can't wait to hear more about you getting to know your new home and family!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
*woo hoo*
Welcome to da blogosphere! It's a wonderful place to be...
hello its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo sownd like a verry nice kitty and just the sort of kitty that my dada wood like but unfortchoonatly we ar way owt heer in california and we ar maksd owt on animals but i hope you find a gud forever home verry soon ok bye
Welcome. I think you have found a fine fine home. Purrs.
That was a wonderful post! And we are so happy you have found a furrever home!
Welcome new man cat! Thanks for sharing your story. Your quite a handsome guy.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Hi... I'm Toulouse and I think you are a natural blogger! You have mom crying her eyes out cause she is so happy you found such a wonderful home! You're also a handsome fellow. Look forward to hearing more about you and your new home!
Your Friend,
Welcome, new man cat! You've had a rough life so far by the sound of it, but you're in a great place now!
Brown dog kisses,
You done GOOD! After having such a rough start, it makes me extra-happy that you have found such a wonderful forever home.
You did a GREAT job at blogging! And you have got yourself one incredibly good Forever Home now! You are one super handsome mancat, and I bet you get one super mancatly name. Purrs to you, buddy!
Oh you did superly with your post! Isn't it neat to have a forever home?! I love mine too!
What big, handsome and furry lucky fellow! Congratulations, sweet boy!!! I'm sure you will get a purrfect name really soon!
Good job on da blogging! Welcome to yoor furever home we just know yoor gonna love it. Yoo remind us a lot of Oscar who used to live in da house next door in da old nayborhood. Mom sez he was a big ol' luv bug and would let ANYONE hold and snuggle him.
Hi, Big Guy! Welcome to your forever home. You had a tough time for awhile, but you're going to have it made from now on.
Oh my!!! Two handsome Mancats today!!!! Shadow,I am so happy you have a new brother :)
I will see the video later. I am currently using dial up right now and cannot get the movies to load :(
Purrs Georgia
Welcome, big orange mancat. You've managed to get yourself a great furrever home. Enjoy!
(and we think 'Big Guy' is actually a pretty good name, especially for a big guy)
We just love stories with a happy ending. Yours would be a tear-jerker without it. We are so happy you have a forever home now and good care with lots of entertainment. At least for now. Eventually, you'll tire of hissing at the woofie and make friends.
How wonderful~!
I am so happy for you and your family~!
We are very pleased to meet you and we are so glad you are now part of Molly & Shadows family!
Your FL furiends,
Welcome you, who won't tell his name yet, to the Cat Blogopshere! What a happy post this was - we are soooo glad you found this wonderful forever home and are happy now!
Hello there Big Guy - you are so lucky to have found such a wonderful home. You have a great Mommy and I know you will love it there!
We are so happy you found such a nice forever home. Jake will grow on you we are sure. You did a great job blogging. ~S,S & C
You are a special kitty and now you have the special forever home to show for it! Just give Jake some time and you might get to like him - we're all pretty fond of our woofie now. We're sure that you'll tell your mom your name when you're ready!
hey Thumper!!! I liek that names and think it is very endearing :))
Momma says good things come to those who wait but you poor man have waited TOO long for a kitty.
We is so glad that you haz found such a wonderful families and be able to haves them forever!!
I looks forward to getting to know you more :)))
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