So again the mom let down the poor mancats. Really, we need a new the mom or at least hire us at servant to do the blog entries okay??

Here's whats been goin on around here:

These are me on top real high up. See my laser eyes? Well those are for the mom and for that woofie Jake! I do not like that she has been slacking on our blog, TT wud be upset wif her fer sure!
As far as Jake goes, I still dun like him much. His bref smells like poop, he makes a icky noise when he washes himself (slurp slurp slurp chew chew chew and put those two sounds together wif a sucky machine sound and yoo has Jake!), and he still wants to PLAYPLAYPLAY!
Secret Paws! We gotted all the items fer our Secret Paw wrapped and sent in da mail today. At least she got that done ( only ONE day late ) in the mail. *sheesh*
And the mom still has shoppin ta do fer Christmas and guess what, she hates goin to hunting stores this time of year! heh heh Yoo snooze yoo lose the mom!!
Oh we love the laser eyes....we mailed our Santa Paws packages out today too!
Molly, I know what it's like to have Moms being so busy they do not have lots of time :o
Mom just mailed my package to Miss Peach today !!!!!!!! ::sigh::
Jake does not sound like a cuddly doggie for a kitty. I bet the little sticky beans like him,heehee
Mom says she is keeping Christmas very simple this year. Anyway, I hope your Mom at least gives you lots of scritches :)
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Thanks for finding out about Dragonheart & Merlin. We worry too. Mom was afraid that maybe their Mom was sick or something. We hope they come back too. Purrs
We have to give mum extra cuddles when she goes to the present shop. She says it's the time of year when all the silly people go there. We are glad she does our shopping for us!
Thankyou for finding out about Dragonheart and Merlin. We were worried about them.
Molly, I know what it's like to want a different servant! The Girl is completely inadequate.
As for the Woofie, I have some bad news. I suspect that you won't ever really like him. The cats I live with don't really like me, even though I rush at them to ask them to play with me. I guess kitty games and doggy games are not the same. The Girl says that if I didn't rush at them all the time, they might be a little more willing. But I just get so excited! I can't help myself!
(Jake can't possibly lick himself more than the Min Pins do! With them it's constant, times two!)
Brown dog kisses,
You've got a great vantage point up there!
Best wishes to your mom with the Christmas shopping!
At least your mom got the secret paws done! That's important!
I know how you feel. Our person is so unacceptably slow about things... and really quite stubborn about having a mind of her own. I wish I could find better help.
That looks like a good hiding place, and a good place to keep an eye on everything & everyone!
We sometimes want a servant to help us blog as well!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom
Oh, you scared Mom by saying your Secret Paw was one day late, because ours will not be going out until this weekend. Akshully the deadline is Dec 31st. Phew.
I know that doggy sound. It's awful!
Wowie, Molly, I am very impressed with how high you got! I always want to climb on top of the cabinets, but they are too high for me. And the 'fridge has cabinets all around so I cannot jump from there.
Helloooo you up there with the laser eyes. We are having mum trouble too, she never even got to our reader yesterday so now we have to catch up.
Molly I can understand why you are up on the cupboards, it's agreat vantage point to keep an eye on your staff. I'd offer to lend you our staff, but they are truely tragic and cannot manage more than 2 posts a week. Great laser eyes!
Thanks for finding out that Dragonheart & Merlin are ok.
Whicky Wuudler
hello molly its dennis the vizsla dog hay those noises ar wut the famus filosofer dave barry refers to as noisy persunal hyjeen it is verry important for dogs to lik owrselves all over becuz well we can ha ha ok bye
Hi guys!
We wanted to let you know that we have moved. Our new location is http://thecreekcats.blogspot.com/
I thinks you should introduce your Momma to the inter-net AGAIN! haha
Mommy does 90% of her shopping online, and that way also you don't have to deal with the rude horribubble clerks heeh
You are way up high!!!! We don't really have a place like that here!
Our mom hates the crowds this time of year too.
Stupid sister has my secret paws at her house. I HATE that. I want it here now thanks.
Yer My Mummy's not that good at getting cards and presents done, wrapped and sent at this time of year for some reason... However she's ok most of the year, so we don't understand it!
Merry Christmas to all the cats :)
Do visit my blog, i update with some photos :)
Hi ya Molly n Shadow and Mawmee!!
Tanks fur levin us a message.. Mawmees eyes gots leakee.
We iz purring fur you, too! n No matter what uze kin do ta helps us pays fur our bruthurs urns
We loves You!
-Merry Christmoose n Hannukah,
Katie Too n da Katie Katz
Good for you! Our Secret Paw package is still here and not mailed at all. Not even packed.....
Those Laser eyes are AWESOME!
That is a nice perch. Love the laser eyes.
that waz my favorites hiding spot when the big bailey monster kitty liveded here too! she couldnt' gets up that far
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