Here is how to snoopervise when the mom is puttin up da tree (wif no help).

(yoo gotta keep em on their bean toes!)

6) Always remain regal lookin, after all dats what a mancat should be like.

7) Make sure yoo send in the other mancat to watch the alien blurpy,
as yoo has more impawtant stuff to do.
as yoo has more impawtant stuff to do.

8) After all the snoopervisin yoo can relax

9) The mom pulls out da singin VISHUS DEER!
10) Make sure yoo hide under da tree to snoopervise the decorating.
11) Tell the woofie dat the tree is KITTY zone only and we is watchin!
12) Inspect all da empty boxes to make sure the weird smells is gone.
13) Taste test da tree to make sure it has yer smells on it.
Whew, well dats a long day fer me, I is goin to nap now!
Aaarghhh! Not the singing vishus deer!
You did a very good snoopervising job on the tree. Well done.
You look super regal there, with your beautiful shiny coat. Did you enjoy tree snoopervision?
Oh we love how you decorated your blog for Christmas. We are very fond of Santa Claws.
We stayed out of Mommy's way when she sat up our tree. Frankly we were afraid she would drop it on us. ~S,S & C
Shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look pawsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your furs are so shiney :) Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Purrs Georgia
You have done an excellent job of snoopervising
Thats a lot of things to remember! We love to inspect the tree box for things, then re-inspect it in case we missed anything! Thats very important! No blurpy things at our house, thank goodness, but the REGAL part is the #1 important thing on the list! Always remain regal.
Pee Ess: Yikes!!!! A singing vishus deer!!!!!!!
Wow Shadow I do not know how you did-ed so much work, it must haves been fun, I bet you are totally tuckered out now :)
hahah you have good raspberry giving form!! Did your Momma try and grab the tongue? haha
PES: you tree looks very puuretty! Just keep the woofie away.. you know woofies and trees :(
Shadow you have been so busy! You have done and excellent job there and it's particularly impressive that you still had the energy to give your Mom the raspberry.
Vishus Deer that sings?
Whicky Wuudler
PS. You are awesome shiny!
We're not sure when #1 is going to put up our tree but we can't wait! Hee hee hee....
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
You have a very pretty tree!
Aaaack! Singing Vishus Deer? Who let him in?
Your tree is very beautiful!
why do you kitties call them babies blurpies? i think its cute, but never knew why!
Good snoopervising, Shadow! Maybe you could convince the Woofie that the Vishus Deer is a stuffy to be destroyed? Double benefits!
Brown dog kisses,
You had a very busy day and are one handsome Mancat for sure! My Spunky Doodle helped me set up our decorations too. You look very regal by the way.
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