Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday 13 #19 - Random sites

This weeks T 13 is about random sites we has visited
  1. Forget Google. Bunnies rule the Internet Hmmmm I do nots know but apparently Disapproving Rabbits have been selling T-Shirts like crazy!
  2. Lolcats hiring NOW! Quick beans join the revolution!
  3. Check out Bella, shes a new woofie to the blogosphere. Stop by and say HI, I dids!
  4. So Mommy beans likes getting samples HERE is one site just for us furrys ONLY for FREE stuff!
  5. I's do not know why but Mommy Bean thought this was interestings - How to Make Origami Paper Claws - Ummmm, WHY??
  6. Apparently Mommy Bean is getting lazy as the alien baby takes up more space. She has resorted to THIS to find new things to cook!
  7. We watched this video HERE, and thinks its a great place for all kittys!
  8. If you's get a chance check out Tabbys Place, its a GREAT cat sanctuary in NJ!
  9. She even shops online now. HERE she was checking outs some great frames for MY pictures!
  10. Let's just say Mommy Bean has been lookins at ALOT of woofies lately. She stopped by this blog and made me say HI to a woofie! I guess I's don't mind - much!
  11. Long ago, Mom bean posted a video by Sparta, whose bean made the mean kitty song. The littlest girl bean loves that video and has to watch it at least ONCE a week!
  12. As I alreadys said Mommy Bean LOVES free samples. She saw this free sample from Yogi Tea (she gotted some last year from them) and asked for more!
  13. And last but not least one of the sites we visit EVERY day. Cat Blogosphere!!



Those are some great new place to go and visit on da innernets...


Daisy said...

You know all the cool spots! I am afraid my Mommie is going to make a handful of those paper claws...

The Furry Kids said...

We love #5. Momma's going to try it right now. hee hee

Mickey's Musings said...

Those are cool places to visit!!
Yummy food!!!! heeheehee

Wait,Mom!!! we have more cats to visit!!!!!! Sheesh!!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Free Samples? Oh, you shouldn't have said that where Mom could see it!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great sites! We visited a bunch...

Karen Jo said...

That's a great list of places to visit.

Isis said...

Lotsa cool places to look at! :)

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi TT! I tagged you for the Six Word Memoir :)
Purrs Mickey

Isis said...

Ooh TT, my sister Noodle's had 5 new baby kittens this morning! :) They're soooo purrty, 4 with furs like ours and 1 with blue furs! :)