Oh , ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! I has to say firstlys it wasn't me! So I will let the Mommy Bean do the 'splaining!
Lauré (Mommy Bean):
I would like to thank everyone for their support when we thought our hopes of bringing Jake home was gone. If I could reach out to everyone of you and hug you tight, I would. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
The following news is both confusing and baffling to all of us. When we got the news that Jake, would have to be helped across the bridge, all of us, including our children (and even the neighbors children) were upset. The lady that had Jake, said that she was going that day on the recommendation of the vet to euthanize him.
When she got to the specialists that were handling Jake, she saw something completely different than what she was told. They told her that he couldn't see or hear, nor was he able to walk. Yet, when she and her husband went in to say goodbye to little Jake, he recognized them by voice, followed them with his eyes and was walking with his sea legs! She made the choice then, that she wasn't going to give up on him either!
She called us late to let us know of her choice and asked us what we would like to do. She is convinced that he wasn't going to give up on the rest of us either! We made a long hard choice, expecting the worse, when we went to go visit with Jake. We had already told the children that, he had to be helped to the bridge, so we went without letting them know what exactly we are doing.
When we got to the foster mom's house, there was Jake, playing with his sister and mother. Loud and obnoxious and snorting away (a common trait in Boston Terriers). He was jumping and barking (what little bark he has) and carrying on like he was fine. We made the choice, "Pack your bags Jake, you are going home!"
As I sit here now, he is running around the kitchen playing and barking. We are so happy that Jake's other mom, made the choice to keep him alive.
Thank you so much for all the support! It means the world to not only me but to B (the big male bean). I will post up some pictures, later of how he is doing here, at his home (FINALLY) later.