Oh , ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! I has to say firstlys it wasn't me! So I will let the Mommy Bean do the 'splaining!
Lauré (Mommy Bean):
I would like to thank everyone for their support when we thought our hopes of bringing Jake home was gone. If I could reach out to everyone of you and hug you tight, I would. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
The following news is both confusing and baffling to all of us. When we got the news that Jake, would have to be helped across the bridge, all of us, including our children (and even the neighbors children) were upset. The lady that had Jake, said that she was going that day on the recommendation of the vet to euthanize him.
When she got to the specialists that were handling Jake, she saw something completely different than what she was told. They told her that he couldn't see or hear, nor was he able to walk. Yet, when she and her husband went in to say goodbye to little Jake, he recognized them by voice, followed them with his eyes and was walking with his sea legs! She made the choice then, that she wasn't going to give up on him either!
She called us late to let us know of her choice and asked us what we would like to do. She is convinced that he wasn't going to give up on the rest of us either! We made a long hard choice, expecting the worse, when we went to go visit with Jake. We had already told the children that, he had to be helped to the bridge, so we went without letting them know what exactly we are doing.
When we got to the foster mom's house, there was Jake, playing with his sister and mother. Loud and obnoxious and snorting away (a common trait in Boston Terriers). He was jumping and barking (what little bark he has) and carrying on like he was fine. We made the choice, "Pack your bags Jake, you are going home!"
As I sit here now, he is running around the kitchen playing and barking. We are so happy that Jake's other mom, made the choice to keep him alive.
Thank you so much for all the support! It means the world to not only me but to B (the big male bean). I will post up some pictures, later of how he is doing here, at his home (FINALLY) later.
Oh my goodness, it's like a miracle! I am so happy to learn the good news, and I cannot wait to see more photos of little Jake. He is adorable.
Wow, that is such great news! We were so upset for you guys when we read that Jake was going to the bridge...but now, we're just so happy for you all.
Gypsy & Tasha
A miracle baby! I am so happy that he is home with you and that he did not go to the Bridge!
Wow! It is a miracle! :) We are so happy that Jake survived and is with you now! :) Such wonderful news! :) The power of purr is amazing! :)
Miracles do happen. Keep him safe, keep him happy, keep him healthy... he'll return it all ahundred-fold into your own lives. Such wonderful news...
By the way, please email us sometime today so we can return email a little picture of this special young man to you...
What incredible news!!! I'm so happy for you and little Jake. Miracles do happen!
TT,that IS amazing!!!!!!
I guess that Vet that thought Jake was too sick is a Vet to avoid!!! Why are vets so quick to give up?
He was meant for you and now he is with you and he is safe:)
Purrs Mickey
What wonderful news. We are so happy for little Jake.
Miracle Jake: WE ♥ YOU!
So glad that Jake's other mommy had the sense that the vet clearly did not. We have a vet like that in our area, who jumps to "putting to sleep" before any other option. (We don't go to him anymore!)
Yay for your Big Daddy Bean and your whole family!
We loves happy endings!!!!
~ The Purries from Purrchance To Dream and Not The Mama, too!
Oh oh oh!!!! We're so glad to hear this great news! Yay for Jake!!!
the Hotties
We are so glad you got to bring Jake hope. We will purr for everyone.
His baby pictures are adorable. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oh my God, that is amazing!! Jake knew you were the ones! What a wonderful ending. We are so glad! Purrrrs and (((((((((((hugs)))))))))) to all of you!
Your FL furiends,
Yay! Mommy's eyes is leaking happy tears...Welcome home little Jake!
welcome, welcome, welcome home, little jake! we are proud to know ya, wif your fighting spirit. sweetheart, live long, love deep, an' prosper!
purrs an' hugs from:
the meowers
OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!! This is the most wonderful news!!! Mommy eyes is leaking but she says it's because she's so happy!!!!
This is amazing news. FAZ
Jake is a miracle! What wonderful and amazing news!! We are so so happy for you all. Sending little Jake puuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrs and gentle headbutts for being such a little fighter.
It is a milagro ... Concatulations to efurryone at your house an' blessings to Jake for his fighting nature. Yay!
That's amazing he's so adorable :)
This is a furrst fur the Pet Purrs & Purrayers bloggie, who reported on 5/29 that wee Jake the woofie had ta go to tha Rainbow Bridge. Today, 5/30, the post haf been changed to report that Jake is home, romping an playing wif him’s noo fambly. We are furry, furry pleezed wif tha good noos. Hooray fur MIRACLES! Let’s take a moment to fank Jake’s "foster mom" fur making tha decision NOT to give up on him. That is tha Cat Blogosphere spirit. Purrs, KC
O dat's wonnerful mews!
Happy dances fur Jake!
Haf a long, healthier life, little guy! Angels is lookin out fur you!
Gramma bean haded a Boston Terror named Ricky as a girl. Speshul woofies.
We're so happy for you and for Jake! He's just the cutest little guy! Purrrrrs and lotsa love to all of you!!!
Wow. That's awesome. With a capital A even! Awesome!!!
See, stabby people don't know everything. They are sometimes wrong, like when they say I'm fat. I'm glad the first lady didn't just take their word for it and went to see Jake for herself.
We saw your post on Momo's and stopped by to see what the miracle is. You have all been through quite a time. We're so glad things worked out so Jake can come home.
We hope Jake has a long and healthy life!
Wowie, Zowie! That is the kinda news we all like to see! Jake, you are already a miracle puppie, and you probably don't even know it.
Purraying that Jake had a veerrryyyyy long and happy life in his furrever home.
Jake is just da cutest EVER! But then, our famlby is a little biased about Boston Terriers cuz we've had lots. Mommakitty says if Daddykitty ever lets us have a woofie, we will git one like Jake!
OMC!!!!! This is the best news! I made SS come to visit even if she is at work and not supposed to. We'll be back later! Hugs to all!!!!
This is the most amazing news! I just had to come by after your intriguing comment and I am so glad that I did. How could a vet misdiagnose a little puppy so badly? I am so glad that little Jake is home with you and playing up a storm. I hope he has a very long and joyful life with all of you.
Yay! That is such wonderful news! We are so glad that Jake was rescued and got to come home with you! We are purring for his continued good health.
Sometimes being wrong is good! This is such great mews!!
I'm so happy for the little guy!
We've been out of the loop because of computer problems.
We didn't know little Jake was sick and are so, so happy to learn he is well and at HOME!!
Yay!!! Welcome home Jake!!
~ Noah
Mommakitty says her Daddy's last BT was a real snoring machine and also farted alot - hehehe! When Mommakitty would doggie-sit, her other kitties would thwap da BT when she was snoring!
Oh wow what amazing news!
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