Hai Kittehs! Can yoo believe dis? Our the mom actually grew sum catnip and cat mint plants fer us!

Here is a bumble bee dancin around the blue flowers on the cat nip plant

Fer sum reason dis cat mint plant is not lookin so full as da others

Dis little plant started out as a seed! Can yoo believe she grew dis?? We cant!

These started out as seeds too, who knoo the mom had sum sort of talent?

Kittehs check out our catnip plant!! HOLY CARP ... and its nom nom nommy too!!

Fattys cat mint plant on her grave, dis is real pretty up close the mom said.

Mosquito plant in da front wif the cat mint plant in da back. It's been rainin so much the mom has to go back out dere and clip around Fattys grave.
That is great catnip. We are trying to figure out what sort of plant to plant by Georgia next spring.
Wow, your mom is waaay talented to grow your plants from seed! Our mom bought ours at the nursery then transplanted them into new pots. She still managed to almost kill them. They aren't looking so hot at the moment!
WOW! You got's lots of cat mint and cat nip. You are lucky!
We passed the feed the BARC dogs info on to some animal lovers. We're guessing the mayor will receive a lot of crumbs by the time the kibble goes through the PO machinery. But, good idea for a peaceable attention getter.
Wow your mum is so clever. Mum planted mine that we got sent and nothing has happened.. What did we do wrong... Help...
Hugs GJ xxx
Wow your mom is a good plant grower - I never have that kind of luck!
::sigh:: Your nippy plants look wonderful. Mum was going to grow some for me but she never did. ::sigh::
Thats nice Nip! We have 1 inna pot an 2 wild ones outdoors.
We like the the little spot fer Fatty too. Skeeter has a little memorial by the pond in our backyard...
Those plants look really nommie!!!
Actually Reilly and Sebastian are foster kittens that our mom trapped behind where she works. They are now officially ready for adoption! Our mom is on the hunt for the purrfect furever home for them!
Your garden is just like cat paradise!!!!
Yo bumblebee! Don't bogart all the nip, dude!
Fatty's grave is very pretty and well-tended. It's a lovely little memorial for a lovely kitty.
Your Mom grew you some great catnip and cat mint. Fatty's grave looks wonderful.
Great job by your Mom - we sent food to the mayor too.
If you clip back the flowers on the plants they get even bushier!
Our mum tried growing nip from seeds, and it looks NOTHING like yours! That is so cool!
WOW O_O that looks like premium om-noms! We are going to see if our hooman can grows us some! =^_^=
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