Dis okay?
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
Kittehs, isn't that woofie a bit hungry lookin? Sum concerned beans in Texas fink so too!

This is Riva the day she was pulled from BARC and then 14 days later.

They are trying to get the Mayor Bill White of Houston Texas, to do the right thing - find someone that will actually care for the animals at City of Houston Bureau of Animal Regulation and Control (BARC).
Here is what we can do! The mom is going to send a few pieces of Jakes kibble in an envelope to tell dis mayor we care, would yoo do that too? For more information go to Feed the BARC Dogs Now! Or if yoo beans is like our the mom and goes on da evil FaceBook site yoo can check them out THERE (yoo can check it out even if yoo do not has a FB profile).
We area sorry your boy ans girl are gone. We bet they are having a good time but miss you too.
That is so sad to see that. I think it's wonderful that awareness has been raised and that this can be stopped.
I'll help and send some of Diamond's kibble - this is awful...
Oh wow! We'd send some kibble if we had some...it's amazing that regular meals of good food made the difference!
How terrible! What a difference some kibble makes, huh? We will be sending some one Dixie's kibble to TX!
Thanks for spreading awareness about this very important issue!
Thank you so much for letting us know about the situation at BARC - I can't believe people would treat animals like that - especially those whose jobs it is to protect and help them.
Troo and Shadow, you are both looking SO Mancatly!!!! Sorry you are missing your boy Shadow(and your girl Molly)
That BARC Vet needs to be out of business and have his license revoked!! He is mean and stupid!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: Shadow ,I will come over and keep you company while your boy is away :)
Purrs Georgia
This is a very sad news :(
I am so sorry!
I think that vet at BARC has neurologic issues (i.e., stupidity).
What awful humans at BARC! We hope those dogs can all be helped!
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