We fink we may have gotten dis before but as usual the mom's brain is toast! So here goes ...
Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award.
GJ we is glad yoo gavdid us dis!
Post the logo on your blog. (Check)
List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting.
- Molly - I am really anti social, I only love on beans when it's bed time.
- Shadow - I too am anti social, I only will come out when its quiet in the house.
- Troo - I am a LOVE BUG, except for the blurpy alien, I am not so sure but I have licked her before and she tasted good!
- I is Jake! - At night, I's sneak up on da bed wif mom and dad and sleep between them. Dad usually puts me in bed wif a kiss and a hug.
- Molly - I am a tiny girl, only about 4 pounds.
- Shadow - I almost died when I was a kitten. The mom and my boy rescued me and force fed me and kept me warm the first night I was with them.
- Troo - I has traveled all the way from Kentucky to live with my pawsome Mom Lady!
Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers.
We is late as usual but if yoo hasn't gotten dis award PLEASE consider yerself awarded!

- Daisy and Harley
- Purrchance To Dream (all da kittehs and Not the Mama too!)
- Karen Jo
- Brian and his sisfurs
- Whitey

We wud like to send Kelly (Sugars mom) our purrs and headbutts as well as Stryder and Scotch too.
Congratulations on the award. We are so sorry to hear about Sugar.
ConCats on your award! And, we loved reading about you guys! Your package is gonna be mailed in the next few days!!! :o)
Whitey got an award? Woo Hoo! Whitey is overwhelmed! Thank you very much!
Congratulations on your awards, and thank you for thinking of Whitey.
We were very sad to hear about Sugar's injuries and we were really shocked when we heard she had to go to the bridge. We are all purring for her family.
We were all sorry to hear about sweet Sugar too and we passed on our loving purrs.
Thanks so much for the award, I'm excited...it's my first. Gotta go tell my sisters!
Congratulations on your award! And thank you so much for thinking of Harley and me, too. Molly, I don't think I ever realized you were so tiny!
Concatulations on your well deserved awards! It's so great to learn more about you all!!!
We are very sad about Sugar. Purrs to her family and furiends!
Poop on her pillow! That cracked me up. Congratulations on your awards. Very well deserved. Poop on her pillow....tee hee.
Congrats on the awards! It is so sad to hear about Sugar - we are sending out purrs and prayers for her.
Concats on your award. Molly, you are very tiny!
We were very sad about Sugar.
Congrats on the award and so sorry to hear about your friend Sugar.
Congratulations on your award. My mom has been really lazy lately with posting my awards, but good help is hard to find.
Congratulations on the award. That was sad about Sugar. Interesting reading about you!
Congratulations on your awards, everybody!
We just want to let all of you know that your package was mailed out today!
Congrats on the award! Purrs for Sugar's family!
I am so very sorry that I am so late in coming by to pick up my award. Thank you so much for passing it along to me. Congratulations on all your awards. You deserve every one of them. I will blog about the award soon.
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