Kittehs, we is fankful dat yoo all is STILL our furiend. We has not been bloggin fer many reasons but has been viewin blogs but wif a mom dat is busy lately its hard to comment. The blurp turned one in June and then had her v-e-t visit and got sharp fings stabbed in her and she had a bad reaction to dem so was hot and sweaty fer a few days.

We fink dis requires POOP on her pillow!! But we give her reprieve acuz our catnip and catmint plants are growin so good!! Does anyone know when we shud has her harvest sum of da leaves? She plucked a few but she sure isn't a green thumb wif plants!
We understand SO well. We barely ever get to visit or post but the Woman finished her case book so she has a few moments of time. Sorry about the blurp's reaction, the Woman has a scar on her leg from when she had bad reactions as a baby.
They do get all caught up with their little ones don't they? I am glad she is back and is helping some...
We hope the blurp has recovered fully. And your mom too, cause we're guessing she was very busy worrying.
Yeah, the little blurpies take up a lot of time...we're happy to hear yours is doing better...a sick blurpy is no fun at all!
Good to see all of you!!!
We are sorry the blurp had a bad reaction to the shots. That can be scary for your Mom. Mom dose not have a green thumb, either. Our cat grass turned into sweet hay. We still like it but it is a little tough!
Do not worry, we will always be your friends!
We are glad the Blurp is better after her bad reaction to the shots. We won't forget you.
Dear Molly!! We will always be your friends!!!!!!!!!!!
You are such a pretty girl too :)
As for your brofurs...Mom laffed and laffed at those pictures!!!! They must be on a catnip high,heehee
Before Mom had a catnip plant, her sister grew the stuff. Every so often she would pick some leaves and put them between 2 paper towels and microwave them a bit and let them dry. Then she put the crumbled leaves in a container and we got the fresh,dried catnip!!! Yummmmmmm :)
Picking a few leaves every so often does not seem to harm the plant :) So you guys are in for a nice treat!!!!!!!!!!!
We also know about Moms not helping with blogging!!! Mom is finding the evenings are not long enough to get things done. We do not post every day either :/
Enjoy your catnip! Georgia is just staring at Shadow. I even thing she is drooling!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha
Purrs Mickey
Oah My!!
Floofy floofy floofy!!!!
I want to run the floofy tummy!
Furry bellies!!!
We are glad your blurpie is feeling better!
OH, I'm so sorry about your blurpy. That is sure some purrdy floof!
Hope the blurpy is better!
We'll always be your friends! I am glad the blurpy is feeling better!
Glad the blurpy is feeling better, that doesn't sound fun.
Love the kitteh belly pics, they look nipped out! MOL
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
kitty bellies! i like getting my belly rubbed sumtimes,
marko meowii
My mom just cut down our catnip plants to harves them and the remaining plants are still growing like crazy. We think it's best to harvest the leaves before the plants flower. Cut off the flowers to keep the plants putting the energy into the leaves...unless you like to eat the flowers!
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