Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's finally quiet ...

It's been a long night and finally *most* of the boy beans have gone home . I hid out with the food lady alot. At night I slept under the table to make sure no stranger invaded our already invaded house. This morning I stayed in the human litter box room with the food lady. I was a bit upset that I couldn't didn't sleep with my boy last night and I made sure I told her all about it! She was confused at first because I am a very quiet kitty and never talk. At first she thought it was Molly who was talking to her but my voice is much more softer and lower than my sister Molly's.

Come the month of November (the food lady calls it that) Molly and I have been with my boy and the food lady for 5 years. I can not believe how lucky a cat I am to have a great boy who loves me.

-- Shadow --


Mickey's Musings said...

Shadow,I am glad you survived the invasion of the boys! Now that it is quiet, you will be able tosleep with yer boy.
A 5 year anniversary comming up .That is super.It is really great to find beans that love us so much.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Shadow, I'm sorry to hear you were upset with all the commotion going on. I'm glad things have quieted down and I hope you can get back to your normal routine.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

I think this is my first visit here. I had seen "TT" on some other comments so thought I would stop by.

Shadow, I am so glad that you have your house quiet again after all those 14-year old boys were there. I don't mind some people over but 7 14-year olds sounds very loud! My sister-cat Willow hides when only 1 quiet person comes in our house!

Willow and I will come back to visit again, OK?