This is me this mornings, at home, where I belong!
I keeps tellin Mommy Bean don't cry for me. She has improved my life in the last 2 years thats I has lived with her. Well Kitty friends, I may nots be here on this plane for furry long. You see, I hasn't been doings good. As you may has read, my kidneys are failing. Lately, I has lost weight and not wanted to move much from Mommy Beans sleep spot pillows. Her pillows are my comfort, they smell likes her and they are so warm and comfy.
Yesterdays, I wents to my v-e-t. She said that I was a furry sick girl. I knew that already. She referred me to go to a place called Cape Cod Veterinary Specialists. Well they stole my bloods and the tests were not furry good. They coulds of course kept me in the hospital and did's all kinds of stuff to makes me feel better but it woulds not keep me healthy for long. My discharge diagnosis is chronic kidney failure,anemia, and severe metabolic acidosis. So Mommy Bean decided to brings me home so that I could spend my last time with my family.
And even though, I keeps purring and looking at her, her eyes leak and leak. I just don't has the energy to get up much. Mommy Bean has offered me's all my favorite stinky goodness too!
Sometimes it's easier for us furrys to let go, than it is for the beans. So my kitty friends, I want's you all to know, that if I do nots make it back this week to do any more blogging, that I has enjoyed each and every moment we all has shared. I will leaves Molly, Shadow and baby woofie Jake to continue to dictate to Mommy Bean and writes when she can for them.
And who knows, maybe I will do as Anastasia had and come back to do a blog or two afters I am gone.
Loves you guys and FANK YOU!
~ TT Girl ~
Oh no, TT, I wish this were not happening. I am so very sad to read this news. You are such a brave and wonderful girl. I know your mom will treasure however much time she has left with you. I love you!
That's such sad news, TT. We'll send vibes that you'll be in no pain so you and your human can enjoy as much time together as you can.
Oh TT!! I knew you had kidney problems,but I hoped it would be longer before you started to feel badly :(
You are a wonderful friend and I will miss you so much! I do not want you to go,but I do not want you to be sick and feeling bad either!!
I am so happy I had this time with you and I will never forget you!!
Purrs Mickey
TT, I am so sad to hear of this worse news! We are partners in failin kidneys...
Peace now TT. Gather your strength and the love of us around you.
Dear friend, I am willin my failin kidneys ta help yours if they can... I haf been feelin better lately, so what energy I haf is yours.
Peace be with you...
i want to hugh you!!!...be happy and smile, please
love you
Oh TT, we are so sorry to hear this news! Our purrrrs and purryaers are with you and your family! We love you. (((((((((hugs from our house to yours))))))))))))))),
Your FL furiends,
Awwww, TT! We Ballicai are so sorry to hear this. We're purrin as hard as we can fur you and yur fambly, and we're sending lots of love and gentle headrubbies. And Momma sends yur Momma great big squishy huggies. We love you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
O, i's so sorry to hear this.
we loves you and is sending you's our best purrs...
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
ML - love and hugs to your mom and family.
Oh TT, we just gots to meet yoo and now your getting ready to make da journey. We kitties know about da peace and joy dat comes at da bridge but we make our beans terribly sad when we have to go. All we can do is comfort them now and watch over them later. We sure are gonna miss you tho. Enjoy the time you have left...
Oh, TT. This is such a sad time for your mom and all of us, your kitty friends. We are very sad to hear this news and we wish that you will feel as well as possible for as long as possible. ♥
We are very sorry to hear this news TT. We hope you and your mum can spend as much time together at home until you are called to the Bridge. We are sending you purrrrs and (((((hugs))))).
We are furry sorry to hear this news and we will keep all of yoo in our purrayers....
and Gracie
Oh TT, now I have leaky eyes too... You're the only other Aby girl here and as such I have always felt close to you! It's like you are my fur sister... I shall purr for you and hope that your crossing is an easy one, my Grandmakitty is there and so is my cute cousin Vinny who had a weak heart - so I know you'll have lots of lovely Aby buddies over the bridge, but I'll miss you dreadfully all the same!
Sleep well sweet fur sister...
Isis, Ramses, Tigmut'hep and Mummy
TT we are purring for you and your family. We know you mommy will do the right thing when it is time.
ALso WE didn't realize where you were. Mommy had gotten Butterscotch ( the one that cam before) from the MSPCA in Centerville.
TT, we are so sorry to hear this news. We will be purring for you and your family. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oh TT, we're so sad to read about how sick you are now. We're sending our purrs and purrayers and pawsitive thawts to you little one, and to your family. Just enjoy whatever time you have left with your family, and snuggle with your mom. It's leaky eyes all round down here,
love and purrs and hugs
Gypsy & Tasha & Kaz (Mum)
Oh no, TT, We wish this were not happening. We am so very sad to read this news. We haven't known you very long, but we will always treasure your friendship. Mommy has very leaky eyes. You are such a brave and wonderful girl. We know your mom will treasure however much time she has left with you. Please know that we love you.
Love from All the Taylor's
Oh no, TT, we are so sad to hear that you are so ill. :( We are sending lots of purrs and prayers out to you and your family. We love you dearly and will greatly miss you when you go.
TT, this is awful news. All of our love and prayers to you and to your Mommy. You are a wonderful girl and I am glad that I got to know you.
All of us here in O Hi O have very leaky eyes.
We love you TT!
Parker and family.
TT, we are so sorry to hear this news. We hope your last days with your mom are peaceful, painfree and happy. Mom has already started with the leaky eyes. Take care, my friend.
Praline and Mom Paula
TT, we don't know you very well but we are sorry that you are sick. We pray that you will get better but we know that is not realistic (there was one that came before us that had CRF). We hope the days that you have are filled with love.
We have to go now, our eyes are leaking.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Oh TT, we are so very sorry to read this. Sending purrs and prayers to you and your family.
We hope you have a peaceful passing. Our eyes are leaking from the sadness this brings.
We love you, and have from the first time we met you.
~ The Bunch
Beautiful TT, I've hardly begun to know you, yet my heart hurts for you and your mommy. You do what you need to..there are many at the Bridge who will welcome you..Fatty even brought food! My purrs and purrayers are headin' over your way, dear.
We haven't visited you before, but we are very sad to hear you aren't feeling well. We will send out some purrs for you and your beans.
Junior, Orion and Meowm
We also have a kitty who has CRF. He has not yet reached his end stage, but we know that we will have the same difficult decision to make as you did.
Our purrs and purryers are with you at this dificult time.
oh TT, we is so sorry that you is sick, but you has so much love around you. Take care our sweet friend, we send all of our purrss and love to you
Oh, TT, we don't know you well, but we are having a hard time reading this news. We're glad you are feeling peaceful. It's your family who are hurting the worst right now at the thought of losing you.
Purrs, prayers and tail wags,
Jan & all of JFF
TT we can tell your mommy loves you a lot. We are so sorry to hear that it is time to start your journey to Rainbow Bridge. We will all miss you very much.
purrs & prayers,
Mindy & Moe
Oh TT, we only just met you and now you are leaving us - it's not fair. You are being so brave about this, I'm sure your MommyBean isn't bearing up as well (Mommy's eyes are laking all over just reading this). We hope to hear from you again, but if we don't Godspeed dear TT, we'll see you again one day over the Rainbow Bridge.
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Oh TT, we are so sad to lose you already. We are very glad you have a wonderful mommy that gave you such a loving 2 years. We will purr and pray for you and your beans. Until we meet again.
Oh pretty baby I'm so sad for your condition. I hug your soul.
Kisses ='·'=
Sending purrs and hugs.
Oh TT, my eyes are leaking and my mommy's eyes are leaking lots! We know it is best for you to let you go to the Bridge where you won't suffer any more pain, but we can't help but think of how sad losing you is going to make all of us you leave behind. I'm purring for you and your family super hard, pretty ladycat! I am thinking of you. <3
Oh no! TT! Mommy eyes are leaking all the way on her vacation. You were one of our first bloggie friends and because we love you so much, we want you to be happy and well, and if you have to go to the Bridge to have that, we will cry our eyes out but wish you well. We are sending you lots of love and purrs - Captain Jack, Dante, Fagin and Purrageous Mom
We did not know about your blog before so this is our first time to visit you. We are so sorry you are so sick. We will prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr give you gentle head bumps and wag our tails for you and your family.
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
TT this makes us very sad. We know that you will do what is right for you but we selfishly will miss you greatly. Enjoy your time with your family.
Sending mournful purrrrss and gentle headbuttss. May the next stage of your journey be easy and painless. (and with luck, not for a while, yet)
Anne Bonny & Mary Read
and dan, The Food Source
Hi "Bean"!
I had a crappo Sunday... but if you come to my latest post on my http://gledwood2.blogspot.com blog you come to some real "miniature hammy the size of my thumb" robotainment... at least that's what everyone else said it was!
Great Entertainments chez your blog as always... and all those feline readers!!
All the best to you.
PS I found another of those lion videos it's on my main bloggo today too...
Thanks for stopping and visiting, and leaving a note on Dino's crossing th Rainbow Bridge. It is much appreciated, especially with your own condition as well.
From your last Twitter thingy about 40 minutes or so ago, we're glad your appetite and energy level picked up.
Rest easy for now.
I saw your twitter...i´m happy for you precious!!!!
I will keep you in my prays!!!
I hope you will be better ande better tomorrow
My little cast and mu pyppy send hugs and kisses
Lukas..guasus to you
Oh TT...we just saw your latest Twitter and are glad to hear your appetite and energy level has picked up...I am going to send over some of my extra strong, never give up, mancat energy over to you. You take that energy and you fight my furry friend...I will be praying for you...
Love, headbutts and kisses,
i've just met you...and now you have to leave...such a pretty lady too, and brave and adorable. my sister will greet you at The Bridge...and your Beans will be sad to see you go, but please be sure that they have the WHOLE Cat Blogosphere here to comfort them...safe journey dear lady xxx
You are so right about the humans TT - my maid is crying while she reads your post but I know you will be fine no matter what. As long as you stay around you have your wonderful Mom and when you have to go to the bridge Anastasia will be there right away to greet you and being at the bridge is good because all our worries hurts are over forever!
I'll send purrs for you so you feel comfortable!
Mrs. OZ
Karl is on safari, or he would come by personally too!
TT, we have just met you and wish you didn't have to leave. We are happy you have found contentment in your last years and have given your mommy such sweet love. Our eyes are leaking.
TT, I am so very sad to read this news. I knew you had chronic kidney failure, but was hoping that it would be very, very slow in taking you away from us. I hope the time you have left is full of love and free of pain. It seems that you have perked up a bit, and that is welcome news.
Oh beautiful the news saddens us all here at the purs n' snorts house. You brave baby. Close your eyes and rest, you mommy loves you so much, but you already know that. You love her too and she knows that and will carry that love with her every day of her life. It's so sad when we have to say goodbye, but it's not forever. Rest sweetie, and may God watch over you, His beautiful creature full of love.
My dearest friend TT! How can I express my feelings here right now to you. Devastated to know that you are so sick right now...I never even knew that. I also have kidney failure but it is slow and my tummy tumor is also growing slowly thank God. Each day is such a blessing we have to spend with the beans who love is so much and give us every comfort they can.
There is much sadness with beautiful Fatty going to the bridge ....now you meow that your time might be near. I do not wish this to be so soon....goodness you are such a precious kitty friend to me...please eat and drink and take it one day at a time. You will let your mommy know when the time is right...and I will be here to hold your paw as all of us will be too.
Take courage because this will be harder for humans than for us kitties to go through...this journey into the land of peacfulness.
I love you so much...Miss Peach
Are you better,dear?
I pray for you
kisses and hugs
oh dear, you sleep so sweet
I just had to come and visit my dear friend. You are just one of the sweetest kitties and my heart breaks to know that we have so little time left. My love to your mommy!
We all realized my friend Mother Hubbs's cat's kidneys were on the out when we kept catching him drinking the dripping water from the tap in the bath... then he got really thin... I'm sorry is there nothing the vets can do :-<
I'll give you a baby hamster to play with if that will cheer you up...
We are soo sorry to read this. Evita suffered from failing kidneys. Please tell her hello from us. She'll be there along with all our Blogosphere friends who have left us. Our purrs and purrayers to those who are left behind.
O TT girl iam sorry to know u left us we come her often but we dont post my name it Litel TT we know your pain and a lot of beans on here know how u are feling we pry god will help u in your sorrow
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