I have decided that I am to look after the bean litter box room. You see that woofie Jake, he likes to sneak in there and eat our food (and the poops from the litter box too!). So Molly suggested because I am always sleeping on the bean spots in the eatting area, that I should be on the look out.

Molly said that I am Sir Trooder Lioncourt, the one who hisses the loudest to protect the bean litter box room.
So what do you think of my new title? I rather like it myself! It makes me feel really important now that I have a real home to protect, to have an official title.
Oh and by the way, stop by a new cat blogger named
The Monkeys. They are a beautiful torti girl named Delilah and a very floofy tuxi boy named Samson! We just met them today!
We have also met the wonderful Samson and Delilah!
Troo, you are very important and now you have a very important title. Can you come over to our house and protect our litter boxes from the Dixie Dog? She likes to eat snacks too, yuck!
I think that is a very important job.
grate noo name!
Congratulations on the title, Troo! You have a very important duty.
Thanks for stopping by to visit us. We really appreciate the warm welcome
Aaah Sir Trooder Lioncourt, noble protector and defender. I can't see Jake getting past you in a hurry. That floof is magnificent.
Whicky Wuudler
You are doing excellent job~!
You do not need a name to be impressive Troo my buddie.
However if one must get stuck with one, I think it fits you pURfectly! :))
We likes the new title! It sutes you very well! We vace you an award, come on by and pick it up.
Troo...we think you are a great protector of the beans litter box room! Jake will never get past you!
Troo, what would your family do without you to guard the litterbox room? They are lucky to have you around keeping things in order. And you look so handsome while doing so!
hello troo its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo sertinly do luk like a lion i wood think twice abowt steeling treets frum a litter boks wot yoo wer garding!!! i bet tucker wood still try to steel frum it tho ha ha ok bye
Awesome Blog you have and
Today i have post about "Pet ownership contributed to their overall health..?" can you give your comment (your experiences)in my blog , thank you so much
Sir Trooder Lioncourt,
You have an important job, but I can see you are up to the task!
Sir Trooder Lioncourt - hey dats furry regal dat fotoh!!
Fanks fur da helps frum da auction. Weze needed dat furry badlee! hugs n stuffoms fur dat!
Our next post will be our hundreth bloggieversary! n Weze gonna hafs a silly fotoh n story contest fur all da babees ta entur!
Katie Too
purr ess... Mawmee gotted sum helps ta get hur warm shoos! hurray!
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