Is this good enuf? I really jus wanna nap on yer jeans thank you!
NOTE from "The Mom" - I know I've been slacking A LOT lately. I also realize that a few folks had given us awards and for the life of me, I can not remember who or exactly when (beyond December sometime). If you had given an award and I have forgotten to post it, I apologize.
Also, Spirit and Ezra's Mom won the Kitty Purse in the auction for Spunky and Baby but she has yet to give us her snail mail address. So if we don't get an answer by Saturday night we will put it up for auction again.

Also, Spirit and Ezra's Mom won the Kitty Purse in the auction for Spunky and Baby but she has yet to give us her snail mail address. So if we don't get an answer by Saturday night we will put it up for auction again.

Hi Shadow, I am sorry you got woke up, I think that jeans are great to nap on!
Sleeping on jeans are the best!!
Sleeping on jeans is pawsome.
That is a cute purse. ~S,S & C
Oh geez. Aren't the Moms just about the worst thing in the whole wide world with those flashy boxes?
Luf, Us
Oh hate getting blinded by the flash!
Those flashy boxes should be banned. Mum's always come around with them when we are trying to nap.
Jeans are so comfy, that's why humans wear them.
I hope you got a good sleep after the flashy box went off. ;-)
Don't you hate it when a nap gets disturbed by the flashy box?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We love sleeping on mom's clothes!
Happy WROO year, Kitty Furends! (And to Jake the Woofie, too!)
Don't feel so bad about the awards - we've done the same thing but still haven't apologized for it yet. :/
Shadow, you look magnificent! All regal even though you've been totally disturbed.
Tell that Woofie that he's lucky that it's warm enough there for him to play in the snow... it's been a lot below freezing here for eleventy-seven days!
Brown dog kisses,
Pee Ess Should you read today's post on my bloggy, I want to reassure you that I would never behave like that with you kitties. I think that you would whap me around pretty good!
It's always good to sleep on clothes where you can leave your floof so your mom takes a little of you wherever she goes.
We thought we found a good strategy against getting woken up- to try and sleep through the flashy box. Then mum decided we are cutew when we sleep, and we got bombarded even more.
I am sure you will be back in nap very soon~!!!
You are just too cute~!!
Shadow, if you think your Mom has the flashy box to handyou just have to stay curled up tight, pretending to be asleep - this will make you hard to photograph and your Mom will go take pictures of Trooder or Molly instead!
Whicky Wuudler
hello shadow its dennis the vizsla dog hay i dont no wot it is with the hyoomans but they always like to tayk pikchers wile i am trying to sleep too crazy hyoomans ok bye
Why must we be bothered while we're trying to nap? It's just so wrong. but that is a very cute picture of you. :)
Shadow you handled the pawparrazi beautifully :).. hehe I know you will get her back later though.. mwaahhaha
That is a very pretty purse.
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