my story when I came home. The v-e-t bean didn't fink I wud survive so they wanted to PTS me. Thank you
Zoolatry for Jakes graphic!

Me at my furry moms house.

I was only as big as a USA bill.

I was small enuf to curl up on mom's hand!

My dad and I, don't we look alike?

Me in my bed the first night home! I's not that small but I still fit in my bed.

June 2008

Me tearin up the kitty litter box room!


Lovin the weather last summer (2008)

Ahh Foxy, how I loved yoo!

I love mom and dad's bed!

I love the alien blurpys binky! Mom took it away from me but all I wanted to do was hold it in my mouth!!!

BONUS PICCY - Me wif TT in July 2008. This was the closest she ever got to me.
Jake what a little miracle you are!! You were such a cute little pup and now you're a handsome woofie! We just love the picture of you with the binky in your mouth!!
AW, how cute and cuddly, you look so cute in all the photos and TT looks mad.
Oh Jake is very cute!
Oh Jake,those are really cute pictures of yoy :O It is hard to remember that you were that small (& sick) Good thing everything worked out!!!!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Sheaow come on over. Don't worry about the nip,I have some. Mom did not kill my plant yet!!! heehee You can bring Molly too :)
What terrific pictures of you Jake. We are so glad you survived. You are such a cutie pie. And yes, we thinks you look like your Dad. ~S,S & C
Awww Jake! You were so tiny!!
Jake what a tiny mite you were! These are sweet pictures and it's lovely to see TT again.
Did we ever find out why you were in jail?
THose are great pics of you Jake. You were so cute and you are still so cute!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Awwww, Jake...13 pictures of cuteness!
Is Jake relaytid to my sisser? Thay kinda look alike. MOL
Ohh my what a sweetie of a woofie you was!
and how you have grown.. what a little bit of TLC and a lot of love can do for a furry baby.... :)
That is a lovely picture of beautiful TT and you Jake. :))
hello jake its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo shoor wer a tiny littel thing huh??? i am glad the vets didnt pts yoo becuz then hoo wood come visit me with springs in there feet??? ok bye
wowee! you are just thee cutest! Even tho I's a Cat I do like dogges and yous just my size!
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