And seein as I did not gets to do my Tattle Tale Tabby Tuesday I's going to tell sumfin today!

I has seen Shadow eat Trooder's stinky goodness! Yup yoo gots it, he finally has tasted the stinky stuff and now likes it. It's funny though acuz he isn't so goods at keepin it in his moufth when he eats. hehe So much fer him's not likein nuttin but dry crunchies.
Jake went to da v-e-t fer a shot today. He's crazy acuz he actually LIKES going! Silly woofie.
We was asked who painted this photo of me. Actually its a digital photo the mom took and then she used this program called It's jus like Photoshop only its FREE to download and use!!! Anyways there is a pencil sketch render in it and that is how she mades my piccy.
We like the new look of the blog. Here is our site for the blog roll.
I like the new look. No problem about the blog roll. My mom lost all of mine once, too.
Your blog is looking great, guys! It's a pain about your blogroll going away though. We hope you can build it back up soon.
We are going to give a try. We downloaded the Photoshop trial, and mum LOVED it!
Sorry about the blog problems. This seems to happen a little too often for comfort.
Sounds like Shadow has a gourmet soul!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Your blog looks very pretty!
I like the new colors..I've been thinkin' about makin' some changes, but can't work up the gumption to take the plunge!
Your blog looks pretty. Mum wants to change ours but is afraid of messing up.
Strange, fascinating picture. We almost couldn't see it was a cat.
We'd like to on the roll ;-)
I like your new background! Sorry it made you lose some stuff. Here's where my blog is:
Oh no! a lost blogroll! Mom would cry if she lost our friends!
hello mommy bean its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope yoo remember to come visit me even tho yore blog list got wiped owt hope to see yoo soon!!! ok bye
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