I has been sleepin on the mom's sleepin spot again. I hasn't done this since Trooder came here. Not just acuz of Troo but the big male bean doesn't like me near his stuff. I has to admit, I do like to pee on his stuff just so dat he knows I mean business. We has a love hate relationship yoo see. I love to hate him and so I pee on his fings! *sigh* It dun get me anywhere wif him but at least he knows I mean business!
Oh Molly...when you pee on the beans' stuff, it just makes them madder...maybe not such a good idea, you know???
Oh no, peeing on your beans stuff won't get you treats!! Yak in his shoe, that's what we do.
If we peed on the beans stuff we would be exiled to the garage. You may want to rethink your strategy. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Nope, peeing on stuff is not a good idea. Keep it in the litterbox and he will like you much more.
Hmm... sounds like me and the Male. Except I have never peed on his stuff. Maybe I should...
Uh oh, Molly. It's not good to pee on the bean's stuff.
Maybe if you stop the peeing, he will come around? That would be cool.
hello molly its dennis the vizsla dog hay i gess evrybuddy thinks yoo shudnt pee on stuff and wotnot but at leest yoo ar not trying to eether tayk over or destroy the wurld like sum kitties i cud menshun ha ha ok bye
haf your mom tried feliway to help you wif your peeing? it seems to work some for Billy - he doesn't pee on the bed nearly as much as he used to
Oh Noes... peeing is not good and aquick way to get the Momma angry.. I hope you both find a way around this sillyness! :))
We learned that peein on Bein stuff never gains us annything. Mebbe try purrin and headbutts?
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