We gots our Secret Paw package today. The bean in bloo shorts has a serious problem wif doin his hunting on days that end wif Y! Oh, Shadow says thats what the mom says. Anyway, da mail hadnt been brought to da house in over a week. We learned some new bad werds dat we dun fink is on the bad werd list, acuz of the mom being upset.
We will post piccys of our pawsome prezzies on Wednesday or Thursday. In the mean time Troo is goin to go cuddle wif the mom (hers wentted to the bean vet and gots teefs pulled).
And oh yea, we will catch up wif everyone Wednesday too!
No mail in over a week? No wonder there were bad words! Can't wait to see pics of your secret paws.
Oh I am glad your Secret Paw is finally here! What a horrible time to not get mail--when your Paw was almost there!
Yay, presents! It'll be fun to see all the pictures! OUch! Teeth pulled? OUCH!
No mail for a week?? Isn't there laws against that????
Oh we hope Troo is making your mom feel better!
We hope your mum is feeling better very soon! Teeth pulling is no good!
It sounds like we have the same mail man. They are terrible!
I hope your mom will get better, too~!!!!
Big big hugs~!
We are sending your mom lots of mouth soothing vibes!
Brown dog healing vibes to your Mom! Troo is, I'm sure, doing a pawsome job at comforting her!
Can't wait to see your pressies!
Sometimes we only get mail once or twice a week, then we get a big pile all in one go. Seems like the man in shorts doesn't like to come to where there aren't as many houses.
We hope your mum's teeth aren't hurting.
Hope your Mom's tppfies are feeling better now and you all got some good snuggling in. We must have the same mail man, except ours likes to mix up the mail so all the neighbours get each other's mail!
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