Two years ago, Trooder was in a cage, at PetSmart waiting to be adopted. Trooder came from
Grayson County Humane Society in Kentucky because there was no more room there. Trooder's wish for today is to help the other furries at

^ Troo at Grayson ^

^ Trooder at home! ^
Yoo see kittehs and woofies, dat shelter tries furry hard to find homes fer all dere furry furiends, but they are now on over load. So many beans dont do the responcible fing by spaying and nuetering OR some are just mean and will dump their fureind there acuz they
"can't afford them, don't have enough time or are moving". To the mom and many those terms are unacceptable, we ARE part of the family! You wouldn't dump your child, mom, grandparents somewhere to be looked after by strangers would you?
Look at Graysons page, and if yoo can't adopt, donate or even send sum yummy treats or food to dem.Fanks,
Trooder (NoWhere Man when I was with the pawsome shelter)
Peeeeeeeeeeeee Sssssssssssss: Dat kitteh in Wednesdays picture is NOT Molly, can yoo guess who it is?