Tuesday, November 6, 2012


We want to welcome Toot into our family.  She now is our little Princess to dote on and love even more!  We could not see her go somewhere else when deep down we knew she loved us as much as we loved her! She will always have vision problems and eventually become blind - we accepted that from the start. 

 Toot LOVES I is Jake! yet he cant seem to understand why she's so nice to him (the other cats hiss, growl and swipe at him).  Toot is as much a part of our family as she will ever be.  

Mom Laure

PS - She's a spoiled little girl who LOVES her Dad (the big guy)!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dona Nobis Pacem

All the kittehs and the children are all wishing for peace ......