Friday, April 8, 2011

Frootbat Friday


::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::

I has gone fer a ride in da truck and it was FUN!!

I is Jake!!

PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sssssss - I was a monkey killer on my burpday. Dats right the stuffie got it! Movie is comin up as soon as dad gits it off his flash moving box fing.

EDIT - Yoo wud has thought I was bad. I made a great mess too!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Burpday to Meeeeeeeeee! I is Jake!!

Happy Burpday to me
Happy Burpday to me
Happy Burpday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Happy Burpday to me.

Where is everyone? My Boston Buddies isn't here ...

Mom - Jake thats because we will meet them next weekend at the beach.

The kittehs dun wanna PLAY wif me, Mom and its my BURPDAY!

Mom - Shadow plays with you sometimes, but not all kitties want a bouncy dog in their face or tail ends.

Ooooooooooo OHHHHHHHHHHHHH , so can we has a big party and invite all our Blogosphere furiends? I can git sum nip and fishies fer dem and of course we has treat fer all us woofies.

Mom - Happy 3rd Birthday Jake, we love every bounce, snort, fart and snore you make!


::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::

I is Jake!!