Hello Furiends! While we don't blog much, if at all, we do think of you all. It is hard to believe that 8 years ago, The Mom sat down and started all this. Along the way, she met wonderful people and the furry ones behind them. Where are we now? What have we been up to? Mainly Mom sticks to
Toot's page on that facebook site. She still volunteers at the shelter to help other kitties. And can you believe the little blurpy bean girl will be 7 years old? So thank you CB furiends, we haven't forgotten you, we just have moved to a different platform of media. If you don't want to join facebook that's okay, Toots page is still able to be read as its public. Here is what we look like now.
TT started it all -
Angel TT |
Then Shadow and Molly joined along
Who was joined by I is Jake (2008) and Shana ( in 2011)
Trooder (2008) and Toot (2012)
Stashy (2010)
Mooch who use to be a stray (2011)
And the bottle baby twins Oreo and TJ (2013)