We met sum new kittehs too! Dey is The Kool Kittie Krew! Dey won the pawsome contest dat The Creek Cats was hasin! We decided dat we wanted to do the Paw~it~Forward wif dem! So kittehs (and woofies) be on da look out fer dat to come. If anyone wants to participate let us know - we like to investigate thoroughly who we is givin our gifts too!
The mom sentid out two envelopes last week to two special kittehs dat is gettin married soon! Watch fer da man in bloo Mickey and Miss Peach!
The mom's been a bit blue, on July 24th the lovely Fatty was helped to da bridge. The mom visits her grave in da yard every day to say hello and to make sure nuttin has bothered it. Also, July 29 will mark TT's one year passing. The mom's heart still aches but she smiles knowing that TT is no longer in pain from her kidney disease. Stay tuned acuz we plan a big celebration on July 29 to celebrate TT's life and her passing!!
LOVE the Hat!!! Also, thanx for mentioning us in yer bloggy! :o)
Our mom's heart still hurts by Scooter's passing on April 1, 2009. She was especially sad on Saturday and wouldn't ya know it??? A rainbow came! Mommy took some picture sof that which we will post for Thursday. That lift Mommy's spirits, because she KNEW it was Scooter who had come to show her she is okee-dokee up there at The Rainbow Bridge. She is now playing with yer kitties too.
We will look for that great celebration of life coming up. We do miss our Georgia Boo Kitty as well.
We're so glad Zoolatry gave Shadow a rain hat.
We remember Fatty and TT. It is harder on certain dates when we remember those humans and furries who have left us. We'll look forward to the celebration.
That is a very cute hat! We know how hard some days are. We hope the memories makes it easier
We think you look purrty good in your rain gear there! You're sure to stay dry!!!
Gosh, I can hardly believe almost a year has passed; it seems like just yesterday Fatty and TT were still here. I will look forward to a celebration of TT's life!
That's a very lovely hat. I'm so sorry about Fatty and TT. Although their memories bring a smile, it still makes a hurty heart happen.
Purrrrfect hat for today! The sky is leaking all days here. We have been in South Windsor almost 2 yrs. Our hooman was in CA before thats.. we weren't born yets then tho. Purrrs to you almost neighbor!!!
Thanks for the idea, but Jan did use witch hazel on my hot spots. But this was a very bad year for fleas!
We would love to help celebrate TT's life wif you guys!
You look so cool in the lovely yellow rain hat! Hmmm! TT was really special!
You look very nice in your yellow rain hat!
Oh Shadow,you look so handsome in that yellow hat!!- Georgia :)
WE will get Mom to check our mailbox!! Woot!! We like mail!!
We are also thinking about Fatty & TT.We are still sad they have gone, but at least they are together. We miss them too.
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Aw, this is a tough week for you, isn't it? Looking forward to the celebration, that will make you feel better.
Shadow, you look very spiffy in your rain hat. I can't believe that it is almost a year already since Fatty and TT went to the Bridge. I will be here to celebrate TT's life with you.
Great picture~
I am also looking forward to the celebration!
We know about missin a cat who came before. We stop at Skeeter's memorial often an think of him.
You look wonderful in your rain gear!
And tell your mom that we are all thinking about her - we too are a bit sad this weekend but not because of a kitty who went to the bridge. For me it is because it would have been my mom's birthday - I always get sad around that time. But you have to try and think of the happy times and not of the sad ones (which is easier said than done for us beans!)
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