Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Look what the man in bloo shorts brought us! We is so 'cited!! We already has more cards den da mom gots in da mail. Wooo hooo!! MOL

Parker, Rudy, Powder, Puff and Diamond sent us dat one. Its bootiful, Fank yoo so much!

Dis is da first one we gots! Its from Kool~Kittie~Krew ( Cricket, Pandora, Skeeter, King and dere Mom) WE LOVES IT! Do yoo fink Santa Paws is comin here?

*sniff* *sniff* Hurry the mom, dis smells interesting!

Um the mom wud yoo please help me read dis? I has sum more sniffin ta do.

Oh how pawsome! LC, Ayla and Iza sent us prezzies fer guessin in dere contest.

Hmm wats dis, I smell. Oh look a furry mouse, MY favorite!

Hai yoo know, Molly, I's gots to sniff too. Lemme rub my smell here jus fer gud measure.

Shadow, yoo ruined my moment. I's jus sit here and wait den.

Oh okay. My bean girl, Rhiannon, lured me out wif one of my NEW favorite toys!

I claim this fur mousie MINE!

Do yoo fink we shud share wif Trooder?

Never mind, he'll figure it out. Time to play!! Not bad fer a 7 year old boy, huh?

fer our cards and our pawsome prizes!


Anonymous said...

You are so furry welcome!!! And what a PAWesome package filled with delightful things!!! What a score!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

How very lucky you are!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

that is a pawsome package! Pretty cards. We got our package just now!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Fun, fun, FUN!!!

The Island Cats said...

How cool! It's like an early Christmas at your house!!!

And we've got waaaay more cards than mom and dad so far!

Maggie May said...

WOW! The man in bloo shorts in furry good to you guys!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow you guys got some great stuff and awesome cards! That is so cool! We have a gotten cards but no cool stuff yet. You are so lucky!!

The Florida Furkids said...

You've got some pawsome cards and great gifts!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

awesome cards and gifts!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Those are great cards! Christmas is everywhere at you house!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Those are great cards! Christmas is everywhere at you house!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, we are so glad ya liked the prezzies we sent! The furry rattley mousies are GREAT!

Parker said...

Smoochies - we are glad you liked our card!
What a GREAT package of kitty delites!

Forever Foster said...

How lovely!:)

Noll's Nip said...

What a great day you had with all those special greetings and gifts :)

Mickey's Musings said...

Oooooooooooooo!! What nice cards and presents!!!!!!!!! THose toys should last until Santa brings you more!! heeheehee
Shadow is looking very nice and floofy!! Georgia's big eyes got a lot bigger! hahahahaha
Take care guys,and have fun :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

What pretty cards and a great prize package!