Look I has road trip to da BEACH!

It was a long trip, I has to leave pee mail, to tell ofther dawgs I is Jake! was here!!

I smell other pee mail - its pawsome to see what others has said!

Hai Dad! Wait up fer meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

OMD! The sand felt pawsome under da paws!!

All of dis went on fer a gazillion miles and miles ..........

Dat water, it was toooooo cold to step paw in, Mom says the Atlantic is like dat!

The blurp she loved to dig too!

The bean girl, she run run run and PLAY play Play wif mes!

The blurp, she is watchin me as I instruct hows to run in sand!

Calling card from Mom and Me

hai Kittehs, I sniffed dis out fer yoo - real live dead fev-vers, mom said stay away from it though .

Mom,why can we not bring home deaded fev-vers fer kittehs and me?

Yup I has to leave more pee mail, its what we dawgs do says dad!

Uhhhh mom privacy PEAS!! Oh so embarrisin!

Flowers, dey pretty but not so gud to eats!

Dis way to da truck, hurry mom, hurry dad I's cold!

I hads so much fun and I was so tired when I gots home!
You had an exciting adventure, Jake!
Funny, Word verification is 'nomers'
OH BOY!! YOU RUN FAST!!!!!!!! that looked like FUNFUNFUN!!!!!!
Wow, what a great time at the beach! You DO run fast, Jake. The sound of the wind/beach scared us -- the mom had her speakers turned up too loud! :-D
What an AWESOME day! All that sand...we would have "used" it too!
Looks like a great adventure and what lovely pictures of it.. Hugs GJ xx
You sure had fun at the beach, Jake!!
You are so lucky you got to go to the beach. Jake. I LOVE the beach!
That was an awesome trip to the beach Jake! We love your pictures of you and the beach! Wonderful fevvers! It was good of you to leave so much pee mail for other dogs to read!
hello jake its dennis the vizsla dog hay that luks like a gud time!!! it reeminds me of my fayvritest playse feeesta iland in the mithical sitty of sandy eggo!!! too bad yore mama didnt let yoo hav the bird tho she cud at leest hav let yoo roll in it!!! ok bye
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