Hai Kittehs, Molly here wif T4! Guess what the mom saw today?
Dis kitteh sleepin where
TT Girl use to sleep!

Yup dat is Mooch and she's doin lots dat TT use to do, well she dun hug the mom but dats ok. Yoo know we has heard the mom call Mooch the vampire kitteh, dats acuz she normally only comes out of her sleeping spots at night - sumfin is strange bout her bein up durin da day. Do yoo fink she really is a Vampire Kitteh?
I think Mooch is a beautiful kitty, maybe she just likes the night-time better!
We think Mooch is beautiful, too, and just behaving normally for a cat by coming out at night!
Maybe she IS!!! We'd keep a close eye on her, just in case.
We think tat Mooch is a sweetie, and it's lovely that she has found TT's favourite sleeping spot!
The Chans
Omc, I hope she's not a real vampire kitteh! Hide your neck!
Maybe Mooch wants to give you a chance to have Mom during the day and takes her turn at night.
I doubt she is really a vampire kitty... but you never know...
She looks very sweet, but keep the garlic handy just in case.
Has she tried to bite your neck??
Moch shouls nap on that red blankie! It will really show off her furs...
What a cute kitty Mooch is!
Hi Molly
Thanks so much fow visiting me and helping wif those gween papews I don't think that Mooch is a Vampiwe, she looks much too sweet fow that . It's nice that she is using TTs special place..pwobably angel TT showed hew how cozy it was.
Smoochie kisses
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