Hai Kittehs, guess wat? We gots a surprise on Friday. A guy named FX delivered this pawsome package to us kittehs. We won it by leaving
Nikita a Happy Purrthday Message! We had left the 1400 comment on hims bloggie since they started on New Years of 2010.

Check it out, it IS addressed to us kittehs - we dun git much mail so dis was so 'citin!

Inside was a Cat Blogosphere Calendar, sum pawsome yummy catnip temptayshuns, and a Casbah kitty toy!

I of course, hads to check it all out myself, that is what us Knights do, right, make sure its safe? MOL
Congratulations on winning, that was a great prize package!
-Fuzzy Tales
Trooder, That is a pawsome prize package. Congratulations on the win!
Glad you like it!
Just remember the Calender is not for Nomming!
At least not until New Year's Eve 2011! ;-D
Concatulations on your win!
My goodness, look at that cool stuff!!
Congratulations on winning such neat stuff.
Wasn't that a pawsome prize!!!
Nikita told me exactly what to pack fur you all.
Hee hee, did you like tha dynomite stick from Casbah Kitties?
Love & Purrs,
That looks like a pawsome package and I can see you will enjoy that. Congratulations on your win.. Hugs GJ xx
What a great surprise package! Congrats!!
That's a pawsome prize! ConCatulations!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
What a pawsome prize package! I don't get any mail either, although sometimes I think I do but that Human steals it and keeps it for herself.
What fun kitteh gifts! And we loved seeing the pictures of you enjoying everything. Wish we was there to play with you :)
Miss Bella and Sele
Wow, yer names were ALL OVER! That is great. We love seein our names. We trust ya enjoyed the prezzies...
Oh we love packages and it looks like you received some really fun stuff. And you look so beautiful opening everything. We's so happy you won it and thank you for showing what you received, all of you deserve it!
Miss Bella and Sele
Congratulations, we are quite sure you will enjoy it lots.
Mindy, Moe,BonBon, Cookie & Mike
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