Sunday, March 20, 2011

More updates on Tashiro-jima Japan (Cat Island)

We has more info, incase yer beans dun do Facebook or missed it -

From The Conscience Cat -

田代島  情報

Tashirojima information:


I [the blog writer] am in Ishimaki.


Human loss of Tashirojima:


Deceased - 1 person


Deceased cats - several (cats from near the guard house)

水位は、田代島開発センター1階 冠水 田代の浜の一番大きいセンター約海抜5~6m

water level on Tashirojima rose to the first floor of development center,

Tashiro's beach was flooded to around 5-6 meters above sea level


small damage of buildings

岸壁破損  2~3日中災害復旧調査船派遣確認

coast damage - within 2-3 days a ship will be sent to confirm the damage


according to GPS there is 60 cm of difference in elevation


south-east Oshika peninsula - moved for about 6 meters


2 or 3 sick people evacuated by helicopter


it [Tashirojima] suffered less than [the writer's] home place - Ishimaki, so

please don't worry.


RUMOURS of animals being Euthanized - NOT TRUE

Via - Japan Earthquake Animal and Rescue

Here's an official report from The Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters & it's translation (Thanks to The Boasen's):










In the aftermath of the great earthquake disaster of eastern Japan, after hearing a false rumor circulating that dogs and cats housed in animal shelters in the disaster area are being euthanized, we make the following announcement.

We understand that there is a great deal of anxiety not just about animals, but also about the inability to make contact with affected areas, and we ask that you please remain calm. Upon the occurrence of this disaster, the usual protocol for euthanizing lost dogs and cats that go unclaimed following a certain notification period has been suspended.

At the Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters, relief and management is underway such that cats and dogs affected by the disaster will not be euthanized. This is in accordance with a decision made following the Great Hanshin Earthquake that euthanasia of disaster stricken dogs and cats is not undergone, a decision which is still in effect today.

Presently, on March 17th at the Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters, base establishment and food delivery arrangements appear to be underway, but the inability to secure gasoline is making progress difficult. Fear driven purchase and stockpiling of gasoline will prevent relief supplies from reaching affected areas. We ask everyone again to please remain calm.

This concludes the announcement by the Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters.

NOTE: We gots a pawfect prize package in the mail on Friday from KC and Nikita, we'll show you Monday what we gots!


Victor Tabbycat said...

Fanks fur the update! We hafn't been able to get infurmation bout the pets cuz Mom keeps lookin at news bout some power plant. At least sumone respects their Feline Overlords (an our Canine servants).

Kiril Kundurazieff said...

Thanks for the Update!

Also we can't wait for Monday, hee, hee! ;-D

Nikita & Elvira

Jans Funny Farm said...

Thank you for the updates you've been posting. We appreciate you doing this. We've been bobbing about here and there so it's nice to have some together. :)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad you were able to get translations!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Thank you for the update and for the translation!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thanks fer the information on the people and pets there!

The Florida Furkids said...

Thanks for the update and the translation. We went to the original blog and were stumped!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Gigi said...

Thanks for the update. We is still purraying for all the Beings, 2- & 4-legged.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for this update and the translation. My SS can't read Japanese and so can't understand a few of the blogs that we were directed to.