We has to post 7 things about ourselves to go wif the award -
- Trooder - I like to sit on the mom but I dont like to be picked up.
- Molly - A bean can only touch me when I SAY its okay, I's been that way since I was a kitten.
- Shadow - I will only eat nip from a paper plate, not off the floor.
- Mooch - I may be noo here but I stand my ground. I love the big man and show him my belleh all the time.
- I is Jake! - Im a kitteh, ok I is not but I like to sit on the chairs and curl up like one.
- Stray kitteh Coco - I dun like indoors, I only trust the mom lady person and the big guy - noone else can touch me.
- We all love NIP, yea that includes the woofie.

Mickey and his mom gave us comfort when TT passed on - please share that great CB love with them now.
Awwwwwwwww, I loved your list! I must try my nip on a paper plate!!!
WE like our nip on paper plates, too/. Love your list. It is so fun to learn about our friends. We are purring for Mickey, too!
Congrats on your award! We are purring hard for Mickey. He was one of our earliest and oldest friends.
That is a great awardie and we loved the neat stuff about ya, specially #3 about Shadow. MOL!
Congratulations on your award. I hope that Coco gets used to being an inside kitty soon. We are purring hard for Mickey.
Congratulations on your winning bid at the auction and a big thank you for your support in our FUNraising efforts to help out Bugsy and Gracie from The Happy Cat Family.
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We couldn’t send you our new auction supporter badge for 2011 since we don’t have an email for you, but you are welcome to pick one up from our auction page and put it on your sidebar and link to the auction if you would like.
Again, many thanks.
KC, Senior Auctioneer
Gracie, Head Auctioneer
Lucky, Apprentice Auctioneer
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